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April, 2019 Polls

Which of the following paperbacks releasing in June have you read, or do you plan to read, with your group? Please check all that apply.

June 6, 2019, 185 voters

In what year was the book that you’re currently reading with your book group published?

May 8, 2019, 134 voters

Which of the following notable books have you read, or do you plan to read, with your group? Please check all that apply.

April 3, 2019, 311 voters

How often do you use Goodreads to help make decisions on what to read with your group?

March 6, 2019, 108 voters

Which of the following January and February paperbacks have you read, or do you plan to read, with your group? Please check all that apply.

February 7, 2019, 281 voters

Outside of the reading that you do for your book group, how many books do you typically read or listen to in a month?

January 9, 2019, 273 voters

We have listed a number of authors who have been favorites among book groups. Have you read any of their books with your group? Let us know by checking all that apply.

November 8, 2018, 581 voters

Which of the books that appeared on our Top 15 list of "Most Popular Book Group Selections" for September have you read, or do you plan to read, with your group? Please check all that apply.

October 10, 2018, 557 voters

What is the genre of the book that you are currently reading with your group? Please check all that apply.

September 10, 2018, 207 voters

How many book groups are you a member of?

July 11, 2018, 400 voters

During what months does your book group typically meet in the summer? Please check all that apply.

June 6, 2018, 300 voters

The upcoming PBS series “The Great American Read” will focus on America’s 100 best-loved novels. Viewers can vote for their favorites, and the top best-loved novel will be revealed in October. Are you planning to watch this series and vote?

May 4, 2018, 302 voters

Which of the following paperbacks releasing in April have you read, or do you plan to read, with your group? Please check all that apply.

April 4, 2018, 249 voters

Which of the titles that appeared on our “Reader-Selected Best Books of 2017” list have you read, or do you plan to read, with your group? Please check all that apply.

March 8, 2018, 266 voters

Outside of the reading that you do for your book group, how many books do you read in a month?

February 7, 2018, 265 voters

How often does your book group select titles?

January 10, 2018, 357 voters

Does your book group do anything special for the holidays? Please check all that apply.

November 8, 2017, 241 voters

How many of your book group members typically attend a meeting?

October 11, 2017, 291 voters

If you don't like a book that you're reading for your book group, what do you typically do?

September 13, 2017, 296 voters

When you read a book that you think would be perfect for your book group’s discussion, which of the following do you do? Please check all that apply.

July 11, 2017, 484 voters

In what year was the book that you most recently read with your book group published?

June 8, 2017, 210 voters

For those of you in a book group, which of the following best describes your level of participation at your meetings? Please check all that apply.

May 10, 2017, 248 voters

Are you interested in having authors at your book group meetings? Please check all that apply.

April 6, 2017, 183 voters

We pulled together a list of new and upcoming books by book group-favorite authors. Which are you looking forward to reading with your group? Please check all that apply.

March 8, 2017, 192 voters

Taking a look back at book group titles that were popular over the last eight years (we selected three from each year), which have your book group read?

February 8, 2017, 419 voters

Where did you get the book that you are reading with your book group this month?

January 4, 2017, 312 voters

Is your group doing anything special for the holidays? (Check as many as apply.)

November 2, 2016, 284 voters

Does your group have a designated leader?

September 7, 2016, 299 voters

Would you be interested in meeting up with other book groups in your area?

June 1, 2016, 126 voters

Where did you get the book that you most recently read with your group? If you are in more than one book group, please respond about just one.

May 4, 2016, 320 voters

For your most recent book group discussion, which of the following did you do? (Check as many as apply.)

April 7, 2016, 229 voters

Which of the following authors has your group read at least one book by? (Check as many as apply.)

March 9, 2016, 431 voters

Which of the top 15 books submitted by readers for our Best Of 2015 list have you read with your group? (Please select as many as apply.)

February 3, 2016, 611 voters

In the spirit of New Year's resolutions, which of the following would you like to do with your book group this year?

January 6, 2016, 164 voters

Do you do anything special with your group for the holidays?

November 4, 2015, 334 voters

If you have read an author with your group, are you likely to read another book by her/him in the future?

October 7, 2015, 206 voters

Which Fall/Winter 2015 Books on Screen titles are you most anticipating? (Please check as many as apply.)

September 9, 2015, 171 voters

Which of the following 15 historical fiction titles have you read or plan to read with your book group?

August 6, 2015, 517 voters

Do you plan to discuss Harper Lee's GO SET A WATCHMAN with your group?

July 8, 2015, 270 voters

If a book was being compared to a title listed below, which comparison(s), if any, would make you want to read that book? Please check as many as apply.

June 5, 2015, 232 voters

Which of the following fiction and nonfiction books have you read with your book group?

May 6, 2015, 740 voters

Which of the following 15 popular book group titles have you discussed (or have upcoming plans to discuss) with your book group? Please check all that apply.

April 7, 2015, 908 voters

What genres are you interested in exploring with your group?

February 4, 2015, 184 voters

Are you interested in joining an online book club hosted by

January 7, 2015, 336 voters

Would you and your group be interested in attending an event in your community where upcoming book group titles are previewed?

November 6, 2014, 278 voters

Which of the following activities do you do to relax? Please check as many as apply.

October 6, 2014, 219 voters

Approximately what percentage of the books that your book group reads are new (published in hardcover or paperback in the last year), and which ones are older?

August 6, 2014, 315 voters

Do you read more than one book at the same time?

July 8, 2014, 312 voters

Do you listen to audiobooks?

June 6, 2014, 183 voters

How many books do you read each month (not including your book group selection)?

May 7, 2014, 324 voters

Approximately what percentage of your book group members reads the books you discuss on an eReader?

March 7, 2014, 391 voters

Which best describes your book group?

December 30, 2013, 676 voters

Did you watch the Olympics or the political conventions? Please check as many as apply.

September 18, 2012, 0 voters

How many books do you typically pack for a week-long vacation?

August 7, 2012, 225 voters

During what months does your book group typically meet in the summer? Please check as many as apply.

July 9, 2012, 349 voters

Which of the following adjectives best describes the ambience of your group? (Check as many as apply.)

May 1, 2012, 1 voters

We are working on a redesign of and would like to know if you are interested in our adding any of the following features to the site. Please note that we already are working on a plan for a new system for our Registered Book Groups

April 1, 2012, 258 voters

Besides discussion questions, which of the following material do you look at to enhance your book group discussion? (Please check as many as apply.)

March 1, 2012, 351 voters

Where did you get the last book that you read?

February 1, 2012, 511 voters

Will your group read more than one book by an author?

January 1, 2012, 411 voters

How heated are your conversations about what books your group reads? Please check as many as apply.

December 1, 2011, 255 voters

If there is no discussion guide available for a book, will your group still select it?

November 1, 2011, 409 voters

October is National Reading Group Month! How old were you when you *first* joined a reading group?

October 1, 2011, 619 voters

What day of the week does your group usually meet?

September 1, 2011, 679 voters

What percentage of your book group members are using eReaders?

August 1, 2011, 431 voters

If you could have only ONE of the following served at your book group meetings, what would you pick?

July 1, 2011, 435 voters

Has the price of gas impacted your book purchases?

June 1, 2011, 311 voters

What percentage of the books that your group has discussed would you have read even if you weren't in a book club?

May 1, 2011, 465 voters

If your group has not read and discussed THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett already, do you plan to read the paperback that released on April 5th?

April 1, 2011, 265 voters

Beyond what you read with your book group for discussions, do you spend time during your meetings just talking about books you love?

March 1, 2011, 460 voters

How does your book group plan its selections?

February 1, 2011, 563 voters

What percentage of your book group members are using eReaders?

January 1, 2011, 416 voters

Does your book club meet during the holiday season?

December 1, 2010, 324 voters

On average, how would you grade your book club's discussions?

November 1, 2010, 404 voters

The following are our readers’ selections of their Top 10 Favorite Discussion Books, which were gathered from the submissions in our 10th Anniversary Contest. Which of these titles has your book club read? Please check as many as ap

October 1, 2010, 570 voters

Has your book club ever read and discussed a Young Adult novel?

September 1, 2010, 380 voters

Does your book club ever take a group trip to see a movie that is based on a book?

August 1, 2010, 625 voters

Do you ever re-read classic titles on your own or with your group?

July 1, 2010, 521 voters

Do you feel your book group’s discussions of a title are thorough enough?

June 1, 2010, 407 voters is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. When did you discover the site?

May 1, 2010, 433 voters

Does your local library or bookstore have a display of popular book club selections?

April 1, 2010, 388 voters

What percentage of your book club meeting do you actually spend discussing the book?

March 1, 2010, 597 voters

Aside from the books that you read for your group, how many books do you read each month?

February 1, 2010, 565 voters

On average, what percentage of your book group typically comes to a meeting?

January 1, 2010, 534 voters

Are you giving books as gifts this holiday season? Are you hoping to receive books as gifts this holiday season?

December 1, 2009, 258 voters

Has your group ever organized or taken part in charity-related activities?

November 1, 2009, 308 voters

This is the season when many book festivals are held around the country. It prompts this month's question: What author or book-related events do you attend or participate in? Please check all that apply. Do you ever attend these events with all or some of

October 1, 2009, 186 voters

If you are reading a book for a book group discussion and you do not like it, do you finish it?

September 1, 2009, 629 voters

Do you keep lists of books that you want to read?

August 1, 2009, 669 voters

Do you consider yourself to be a fast reader?

July 1, 2009, 624 voters

In the past six months, have you been browsing in bookstores as much as you had in the past?

June 1, 2009, 344 voters

Once your group has selected a book, do you ever discuss it with other members before the meeting?

May 1, 2009, 520 voters

Does your group repeat authors when you are selecting books for discussion?

April 1, 2009, 449 voters

In the past year, how many books have you recommended to people by saying the following: “You HAVE to read this book.”?

March 1, 2009, 716 voters

When you love a book, do you readily talk about it with others?

February 1, 2009, 535 voters

Given the present economy, is your book group reading fewer hardcovers than before?

January 1, 2009, 391 voters

Are you giving books this holiday season? Would you like to receive books as gifts this holiday season?

December 1, 2008, 241 voters

Do you discuss books with your book group members outside of your formal meetings?

November 1, 2008, 388 voters

Would you be interested in attending a book club-focused event if it happened in your area where you could learn about a number of books and meet authors?

October 1, 2008, 431 voters

Are you a member of more than one book club?

September 1, 2008, 656 voters

Have increased gas costs changed your bookbuying habits?

August 1, 2008, 267 voters

Which of the following social networking websites do you belong to? Check as many as apply.

July 1, 2008, 252 voters

Pondering the books that you like to read for book group discussion, which of these best describes why you read?

June 1, 2008, 831 voters

If you know you are not going to be able to make your book club meeting, do you still read the selected book?

May 1, 2008, 655 voters

Do you ever get your book club selections from the library?

April 1, 2008, 500 voters

Does your group talk about books with controversial topics in them?

March 1, 2008, 568 voters

How far in advance does your group make its reading selections?

February 1, 2008, 640 voters

Outside of the book that your group is reading each month, how many books do you read?

January 1, 2008, 991 voters

In your opinion, what is the optimum size of a book club?

December 1, 2007, 633 voters

Does your group eat at your meetings?

November 1, 2007, 840 voters

When does your group usually meet? (Please select one.)

October 1, 2007, 1028 voters

Be honest. Have you ever not finished a book that your group was discussing?

September 1, 2007, 950 voters

Has your group ever read Jane Austen titles or books that are themed around Jane Austen?

August 1, 2007, 328 voters

Would your group discuss any Harry Potter titles?

July 1, 2007, 418 voters

Does your group have a member(s) who dominate the conversation?

June 1, 2007, 581 voters

Does your group read nonfiction titles?

May 1, 2007, 568 voters

If there was a way that your group could get books at a discount by buying them in bulk, would this be something that interested you?

April 1, 2007, 316 voters

How old is the oldest member of your book club?

March 1, 2007, 669 voters

Would you and your book club ever travel to spend time with an author in the place where his or her book is set.

February 1, 2007, 301 voters

Does your library offer a list of selections for book clubs?

January 1, 2007, 482 voters

Does your group pick a list of the "best books of the year" from the list that you have discussed?

December 1, 2006, 254 voters

Do you read different types of books with your group than you read on your own?

November 1, 2006, 617 voters

Does your group ever read multiple books for a single discussion?

October 1, 2006, 349 voters

Do you work with your local library for help with your book club's selections?

September 1, 2006, 184 voters

Does your group read hardcovers or paperbacks?

August 1, 2006, 393 voters

Is your group web savvy?

July 1, 2006, 228 voters

Does your group select lighter reading material in the summer months?

June 1, 2006, 243 voters

Does your group take any of the summer months off? Check which applies to your group.

May 1, 2006, 417 voters

When selecting books, what best describes your group?

April 1, 2006, 410 voters

Of the books that your group selects to read, how many do you actually like?

March 1, 2006, 586 voters

Is your group looking for new members?

February 1, 2006, 236 voters

Once your group has read an author and enjoyed his or her work, are you more apt to select another title by this author for discussion?

January 1, 2006, 541 voters

Are you in a Mother/Daughter book group, or do you know anyone in one of these groups?

December 1, 2005, 99 voters

Because you are in a book group, do your friends and family look to you for reading suggestions?

November 1, 2005, 404 voters

Does the length of a book influence your group's interest in it?

October 1, 2005, 458 voters

Does your group keep a record of the books that you have read?

September 1, 2005, 540 voters

Which of the following popular book club titles has your book club read, or plan to read?

August 1, 2005, 1301 voters

Have you ever had to ask a member to leave your book group?

July 1, 2005, 492 voters

Has your book club ever visited a location connected to a book that you were reading? Check as many as apply.

June 1, 2005, 178 voters

How many hardcover books do you read in an average month?

May 1, 2005, 602 voters

Would your group be interested in purchasing books for your discussions in quantity and receiving a significant discount on them? (Please select the response that best applies to your group.)

April 1, 2005, 228 voters

Does your book club meeting include food or a meal?

March 1, 2005, 401 voters

Will your group read and discuss a book if a guide is not available?

February 1, 2005, 389 voters

Has your group ever had an author join your meeting for a phone chat?

January 1, 2005, 275 voters

Are you giving books as presents this holiday season?

December 1, 2004, 345 voters

Do you get together with members of your book group outside of your meetings?

November 1, 2004, 301 voters

Does your group read the book suggested by the media book clubs?

October 1, 2004, 234 voters

We are planning to add message boards to before the end of the year. What would you like to see as topics on these boards?

September 1, 2004, 231 voters

Does your group read books of short stories?

August 1, 2004, 217 voters

Does your group select "lighter reading" in the summer?

July 7, 2004, 248 voters

When someone dominates the conversation in your group, how do you handle it?

June 1, 2004, 297 voters

Does your group serve themed meals, snacks or desserts at your meetings?

May 1, 2004, 346 voters

Which of the following books would you be interested in reading with your group based upon the description noted?

April 1, 2004, 369 voters

Which of the following books has your group read, or do you plan to read?

March 1, 2004, 1129 voters

Do you ever listen to audiobooks?

February 1, 2004, 425 voters

Does your group work with a bookstore or library as a resource to guide you in making your selections?

January 1, 2004, 167 voters

Has your group ever discussed more than one book during a meeting either relating them together or covering a theme?

December 1, 2003, 236 voters

Where do you typically get the books that you read with your book club?

November 1, 2003, 286 voters

Which of the following "book club nightmares" has your group experienced?

October 1, 2003, 277 voters

How often does you group read nonfiction titles (this includes biographies and memoirs)?

September 1, 2003, 220 voters

Have you seen the movie version of Seabiscuit?

August 1, 2003, 324 voters

Which of the following of our "Best of" books has your group read?

July 1, 2003, 415 voters

Does your group read "lighter" books during the summer?

June 1, 2003, 202 voters

In what months does your group meet during the summer?

May 1, 2003, 330 voters

Would you be willing to "register" your group with to become eligible for book giveaways and other special promotions ONLY available to members?

February 1, 2003, 365 voters

Does your group read bestsellers?

January 1, 2003, 386 voters

Does your group do anything special for the holidays?

December 1, 2002, 243 voters

Have your book group discussions made you a more critical reader?

November 1, 2002, 245 voters