Survey Expired: August 4, 2008 Total Voters: 252 |
Which of the following social networking websites do you belong to? Check as many as apply. |
None |
Classmates |
Goodreads |
Myspace |
LibraryThing |
Shelfari |
Yes - [View Answers] |
With Goodreads, LibraryThing and Shelfari, you can display the library of what you have read and what you want to read. Would you be interested in doing this? |
This is something I would like to do. |
I already am doing this. |
I am not sure. |
This is not something that I am interested in. |
Would you be interested in seeing the virtual libraries of other ReadingGroupGuides.com readers and book groups? |
Yes |
I am not sure. |
No |