Does your book group do anything special for the holidays? Please check all that apply.
Survey expired 01/10/18
Total voters: 241
Does your book group do anything special for the holidays? Please check all that apply.
17% (42 votes) | Yes, we have holiday-themed meetings. |
17% (42 votes) | Yes, we read holiday-themed books. |
21% (51 votes) | Yes, we prepare special meals for our meetings. |
23% (55 votes) | Yes, we go to a restaurant. |
17% (42 votes) | Yes, we exchange gifts. |
11% (27 votes) | Yes, we do a charity-related project. |
7% (16 votes) | Yes, we do a cookie exchange. |
20% (49 votes) | Yes, we do a book swap. |
17% (41 votes) | No, we meet as usual. |
14% (33 votes) | No, we take a break from meeting during the holiday months. |
15% (35 votes) | Other (Please specify):- We have a Christmas party where we decide which books we will read the next year and also a pot-luck brunch.
- We also are not allowed to cook anything. Store bought potluck only.
- We have a big party at my (the leader’s) house with fun games and present exchange!
- For the gift exchange, the gifts get a number, then we pick a number, and that's our gift.
- Tacky Ornament Exchange
- Sometimes we have a potluck at a member's house
- Snacks and drinks and everyone read/report on Christmas themed book.
- Since December is so busy, we have a regular meeting but have a special dinner in January.
- We have a “quiz” at our December meeting. Because I was a teacher, I always tell our
- We always have a “quiz” at our December meeting about books that we’ve read over the past year and previous years.
- we use this month to pick out our books for next year and everyone brings treats
- We just gett together with appetizers and libations, talk about books in general and just relax with friends.
- We have a White Elephant gift exchange which has been hilarious fun.
- We have a “special” theme...this year is poet William Wordsworth
- Bring in treats
- Each member recites a holiday themed poem.
- We do a bookmark swap.
- We do a book exchange, choosing a book we've read this year and writing a note to the recipient as to why we enjoyed it.
- We get together, and give gifts of children
- We meet for lunch, and give gifts of children books (we donate 3 - 6 each) to an impoverished elementary 1st grade class.
- We do a Yankee Swap gift exchange with a cap of $20. Using 2 decks of cards we deal out 12 cards and then call out nos.
- We will have tea and cookies at our meeting.
- We share titles of our individual best book(s) of the year
- We treat our librarian and one other employer of her choosing to lunch with the book group.
- We take a collection and donate it to a pre-determined charity
- Book mark swap/exchange
- New Year's Brunch
- Because many of our City and county libraries got flooded and are still not open, we all donated funds to the libraries.
- Bring in Christmas cookies
- We gather for lunch, everyone brings something. Another does games and prizes.
- Discuss books to read in the new year
- Meeting where we recommend books and exchange thoughts, no required reading in December!
- Instead of an assigned book we each bring a book we've read during the year and review for the group.
- We each selected a favorite book/books, gift wrapped them, then randomly picked a "gift"; we will each report on the book we pic
- We have a summer luncheon at someone's home. It is a potluck and we all bring something to share. Then we do our book review.