What is the genre of the book that you are currently reading with your group? Please check all that apply.
Survey expired 10/10/18
Total voters: 207
What is the genre of the book that you are currently reading with your group? Please check all that apply.
13% (27 votes) | Autobiography/Memoir |
5% (10 votes) | Biography |
2% (4 votes) | Current Events |
21% (44 votes) | General Fiction |
39% (80 votes) | Historical Fiction |
9% (19 votes) | History |
14% (28 votes) | Literary Fiction |
8% (17 votes) | Mystery |
2% (4 votes) | Politics |
2% (4 votes) | Romance |
1% (3 votes) | Science Fiction/Fantasy |
6% (13 votes) | Suspense/Thriller |
11% (22 votes) | Women’s Fiction |
8% (17 votes) | Other (Please specify):