Survey Expired: November 5, 2009 Total Voters: 186 |
This is the season when many book festivals are held around the country. It prompts this month's question: What author or book-related events do you attend or participate in? Please check all that apply. |
29.5% - (100 Votes) |
Events at your local library |
29.5% - (100 Votes) |
Events at your local bookstore |
19.8% - (67 Votes) |
Local book festivals |
10.3% - (35 Votes) |
I do not attend or participate in book-related events. |
6.8% - (23 Votes) |
Book festivals that you travel to attend |
3.8% - (13 Votes) |
Yes - [View Answers] |
Do you ever attend these events with all or some of your book group members? |
58.6% - (109 Votes) |
Some of the time |
34.9% - (65 Votes) |
Never |
6.4% - (12 Votes) |