Does your group have a designated leader?
Survey expired 10/05/16
Total voters: 299
10% (29 votes) | We have a designated group leader who plans all our meetings and selects all the books. |
0% (1 votes) | We have a designated group leader who selects all the books, but does not plan the rest of the meeting. |
31% (93 votes) | We have designated group leader who plans our meetings, but does not select all the books. |
3% (9 votes) | We have a couple of designated group leaders who share responsibilities for planning meetings and selecting titles. |
1% (4 votes) | We have a couple of designated group leaders who share responsibilities for just planning meetings. |
37% (112 votes) | We do not have a designated leader or a facilitator; we all share the tasks. |
17% (51 votes) | Other...:- We rotate being the leader every month with the hostess picking the book and leading the discussion
- we have a group leader but we all share the tasks of book selection and meeting planning
- We each take a turn at being the facilitator of the meeting.
- We have a designated leader/facilitator for leading meetings, but books are selected by the group's membership
- We have a leader, but all share in selecting and reviewing books.
- we are a Book Club for Two. We take turns.
- We have a coordinator who organizes our yearly book selection process, which involves nominations from the group and a vote
- In fall vote on member's suggested books; each member then chooses which book to facilitate.
- one person calls to remind each member of the group when and where the meeting will be - but all other duties are shared
- Two group leaders, members choose books, group leaders plan and coordinate meetings.
- All of us read and offer up books for group decision on what to read. The person who recommends is the leader.
- We have a leader who creates an online survey that allows us to select book
- We rotate : hostess chooses book and menu/venue and leads discussion
- I facilitate, we choose the books as a group, members volunteer to lead the discussion for the books they have suggested.
- Each month a different person chooses a book, no one specifically leads
- we have a leader who sends out. reminders each month, but discussion leader is the member who chose the book for that month.
- Two people set calendar, members pick month, select book & lead discussion
- We have a "convener", who organizes the meetings, keeps everyone informed, and makes sure that one of the members will lead.
- The person who suggests the book is the leader!
- We have 11 members so each month a different member selects the book,hosts our meeting and leads the discussion.
- We select the dates for the following year at our September book club . the host for that month select the book and plans their
- Each member takes turns choosing the book and planning the meeting. There is a leader who oversees and steps in when needed
- Our group chooses books by consensus, and develops a schedule for the year where each member hosts and leads a discussion.
- We have annual co-leaders who manages the group from poll setup to venue finds. Leaders can become lead mentors.
- Individuals bring books in Dec and we all choose for the next year. The bringer of the chosen book is the leader that month.
- One group member compiles the monthly selections and assigns hostesses. All members are involved in book selection.
- No leader. Book selection drawing at Christmas party. Each submits 2/3 books. Monthly dates & hosts are confirmed at that time.
- we hace a person who organizes and our group, but all share in tasks of hosting and reviewing.
- we each select a book, lead discussion the following month and host a different month to rotate all jobs.
- We have a leader who does organizational tasks, we vote on book titles and people volunteer to lead/host.
- Each member selects a book and presents it to the group
- whoever hosts the meeting is our leader for that meeting
- We have a facilitator/ secretary each member select their book nand plan their meeting
- each month is addigned to a diferent member/they are designated to plan their month
- We have a designated leader; books are selected by consensus from suggestions by group members; leader researches prices, availa
- We rotate each month among the members of the group
- We have an administrator who asks the questions each meeting and
- We have an administrator who asks the questions each meeting and
- No designated leader and book choices and discussion leader rotates through members.
- Each member selects a book and facilitates the discussion for their book choice.
- Each group member is responsible for selecting a book and leading the discussion at the monthly meeting.
- Each member choses a month to host and a book to read
- We have group leader who secures meeting hostesses and sends reminders about the next meeeting
- We're very democratic!! We rotate meeting at each other's homes, we pick our books by voting, and we all bring food!!!
- We vote on our meetings and books at our July dinner/wrap up each year
- We have a leader to keep us on track, books selected by vote
- One member is the reviewer and one member is the hostess each month.
- The hostess for the month selects the book and facilitates the meeting.
- The hostess for the month selects the book and facilitates the meeting.
- Coordinator gives list of suggested readings to be selected by the group; members volunteer to be discussion leaders
- Each member selects a book and leads the discussion for that book
0% (0 votes) | We have a couple of designated group leaders who select titles. |
0% (0 votes) | We hire a book group facilitator who handles selecting all of our titles and plans our meetings. |
0% (0 votes) | We hire a book group facilitator who handles selecting all of our titles, but we plan our meetings. |