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Survey Expired: June 8, 2006

Total Voters: 417

Does your group take any of the summer months off? Check which applies to your group.

 50.1% - (209 Votes)

No, we continue to meet every month.

 16.7% - (70 Votes)

We skip July and August.

 15.1% - (63 Votes)

Yes - [View Answers]

 7.9% - (33 Votes)

We skip June, July and August.

 5.9% - (25 Votes)

We skip July.

 2.6% - (11 Votes)

We skip August.

 0.9% - (4 Votes)

None of the above applies to us.

 0.4% - (2 Votes)

We skip June.