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The weather in the New York area has felt like late May this week. Since we had a pretty mild winter, I find it’s been tough to keep the months straight. I am ready to start gardening and thinking summer things, but I know very well that next week the weather will turn back to March temperatures.
We have been planning for upcoming events. If you have not yet signed up for our Events@thebookreportnetwork newsletter, you will want to do that now so you can have everything on your schedule. I always get notes from people that say, “If I only knew that you were doing this, I would not have made dinner plans!” By next week, we are hoping to have our plans set through the end of June!
Important note to our subscribers using AOL and Yahoo: Please note that when we send emails reminding readers about Zoom events and sharing leave behinds --- and when we send links to videos and podcasts after events --- those going to AOL and Yahoo subscribers often bounce back. Last Saturday, I saw dozens of the emails that I sent on Friday about our event with Kristin Hannah bounce back. We have all the correct protocols in place for sending mail; the IT team has been busy. Yet this still happens. The same is true for our newsletters. Often on our end it shows that it made it to you, but something happens within AOL or Yahoo that prevents the emails from getting through. So if you have another email address that you can use --- let’s say a Gmail address --- consider signing up for events using that address and to have this newsletter come to you at that address as well.
First row: Carol Fitzgerald, Tom Donadio, Michelle Morrill, Katy Domaille
Second row: Debbie Moore, Nancy Robinson, Kristin Hannah, Becky Zagor
Third row: Annmarie Puleio, Tanga Maria Williams
Kristin Hannah was our guest for a very special “Bookreporter Talks To” program earlier this month. She was in conversation with Bookreporter readers and me about her #1 bestseller, THE WOMEN, which is a Bets On pick. A lot of ground was covered, including Kristin’s inspiration for writing the book, why she felt that now was the right time to tell this story, and how she researched the time period.
There was much discussion about the divisiveness of our times now compared to the ’60s. How the Vietnam vets were treated when they returned home was another big focus. And the last question spurred the audience to think about what we can do to recognize and support veterans, especially female ones. This was a no-spoilers event, so if you have not read THE WOMEN, you still can enjoy this interview. Click here to watch the video or here to listen to the podcast.
Readers from 31 states, Canada and the Caribbean joined us. Pictured above with me (in our “Brady Bunch”-style Zoom pose) are Kristin; our Editorial Director, Tom Donadio; and seven readers who asked Kristin questions during the event.
As noted during the interview, Kristin’s website ( has links to many assets, including discussion questions, which can enhance your book group discussion.
Also, the Reeds Book Club in Stone Harbor, NJ watched our event as part of their evening book group discussion where 62 people were in the audience. You can see a picture from their meeting above, along with a signature Mai Tai cocktail that was served. Many thanks to Diane Wade, the Guest Services Manager at The Reeds, for facilitating this event, and to Jen Gensemer, a longtime friend of The Book Report Network, for sharing these photos.
Our author events are perfect for you to enjoy with your book group, so consider sharing the video or the podcast with your fellow group members.
We are happy to announce that Kate Morton will be our next “Bookaccino Live” Book Group guest. The event will be held on Wednesday, April 24th at 8pm ET, and you can sign up here for it. We will be talking about her most recent novel, HOMECOMING. An epic story that spans generations, this New York Times bestseller and Bets On selection released in hardcover last year and will be coming out in paperback on April 2nd.
There will be a two-part Q&A session after I talk to Kate. For the first part, those who are asking a question on camera will be featured. This includes spending time with Kate backstage in our virtual green room before the show starts. If you would like to ask your question "live on screen" this way, please email me with the subject line "Kate" by noon ET on April 24th. Be sure to include your name, city and state, as well as your question. If you do not want to appear on camera but still would like to ask a question, please note that you want to be off camera, and share your question --- adding your name, city and state.
Our Latest Monthly Contest is Live!
HOMECOMING also is our new “What’s Your Book Group Reading This Month?” prize title. Three groups will win up to 12 paperback copies of the book. To enter, please fill out the form on this page by Wednesday, April 10th at noon ET.
My latest “Bookreporter Talks To” interview is with Tamron Hall, the Emmy Award-winning host and executive producer of the syndicated talk show “Tamron Hall” and the bestselling author of the Jordan Manning series. She joined me to discuss her latest thriller, WATCH WHERE THEY HIDE.
Tamron shares the genesis of the plot for this second book in the series (following AS THE WICKED WATCH) and why it is set in 2009. She also talks about how she crafts her story, her writing process, and the realism that she brings to the table about how a broadcast journalist works. And yes, she explains how she came up with her character’s name. Click here to watch the video or here to listen to the podcast.
Xochitl Gonzalez’s second novel, following OLGA DIES DREAMING (which was a Bets On title), is Reese’s Book Club pick for March. In ANITA DE MONTE LAUGHS LAST, a first-generation Ivy League student uncovers the genius work of a female artist decades after her suspicious death.
Here’s what Reese says about the book: “I have always loved painting, and this book just dives right in about the mysterious world of art, and which artists get celebrated and which don’t. And I’m going to give you a little spoiler here. Women do not get celebrated as much as male artists. The main character discovers this artist. It asks some of those really big questions, like, ‘Who is remembered?’ and ‘Who is left behind?’ and ‘Why?’” This one gave me goosebumps. I think you guys are going to love it.” Click here for the guide and here for our review on Bookreporter.
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the “Read with Jenna” Today Show Book Club, Jenna Bush Hager has chosen two books for her March selections: THE GREAT DIVIDE by Cristina Henríquez and THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros. Here are Jenna’s comments on both titles:
THE GREAT DIVIDE: “One thing you may not know about me is that I lived in Panama, in 2005, 2006. So when I read this book, I was filled with memories of my time there. You will love these characters --- it is epic and lovely. There are so many different storylines that all come together at the end, which is one of my favorite ways to read and fall in love with a story.” Click here for the guide and here for our Bookreporter review.
THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET: “I have loved THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET since I first read it in high school because I feel like Sandra Cisneros writes in such a poetic, gorgeous way, and the character of Esperanza has stayed with me all of those years. But it is particularly meaningful to me because I read it when I was young, and then I taught it to my middle schoolers when I was a teacher in Baltimore.” Click here for the guide.
We also have added guides for these three books:
LISTEN FOR THE LIE: What if you thought you murdered your best friend? And if everyone else thought so too? And what if the truth doesn't matter? Bestselling YA author Amy Tintera explores these questions in her adult debut, which is this month’s “Good Morning America” Book Club selection. Tintera teases,"The truth is out there, if we just listen."
For more March selections, including the Indie Next and LibraryReads lists, see our “Favorite Monthly Lists & Picks” feature here.
FINLAY DONOVAN ROLLS THE DICE: In this fourth installment of Elle Cosimano’s beloved mystery series, Finlay Donovan and her nanny/partner-in-crime, Vero, plan a trip to Atlantic City. But odds are it won’t be all fun and games --- seeing as it’s actually a cover story to negotiate a deal with a dangerous loan shark; save Vero’s childhood crush, Javi, from a kidnapper, Marco; and hunt down a stolen car.
STILL SEE YOU EVERYWHERE: Set on a remote atoll in the middle of the Pacific, Lisa Gardner’s new thriller marks the return of vigilante investigator Frankie Elkin, who has an uncanny ability to find missing people and bring closure to their families. This time, her client is a ruthless female serial killer who needs Frankie’s help in fulfilling her last wish.
This is your last ReadingGroupGuides newsletter reminder to sign up for our Spring Preview evening event, which will take place THIS Wednesday, March 20th at 8pm ET.
I will be presenting a number of books releasing this spring that we think you will enjoy reading over the next few months. You can register for the program by clicking here. And be sure to share the signup link with others who may be interested in attending. We have a terrific lineup of titles in lots of different genres, and I look forward to sharing them all with you!
We hosted this month’s “Bookaccino Live” book preview event on Wednesday afternoon. I talked about 30 books releasing between now and April 2nd, plus 12 from the first half of May, that we wanted to get on your radar. You can watch the presentation here and see a list of the featured titles here.
Next month's “Bookaccino Live” book preview event will take place on Wednesday, April 10th at 2pm ET. I will present titles releasing between April 9th and April 30th, in addition to a few from the second half of May, plus June, that we think will appeal to you. Click here to sign up. Those attending the live event will be asked to answer a survey about the books from the presentation that they are most interested in reading and will be eligible to win a prize.
In anticipation of the May 14th release of Terah Shelton Harris’ new novel, LONG AFTER WE ARE GONE, we are giving 25 readers the opportunity to win a copy in a Bookreporter contest. Told in alternating viewpoints, the book is a searing portrait of the power of family and letting go of things that no longer serve you, exploring the burden of familial expectations, the detriment of miscommunication, and the lessons and legacies we pass on to our children. The deadline for your entries is Friday, March 29th at noon ET. Scroll further down the newsletter for all the details.
My book group is meeting on Tuesday night, and we will be discussing THE WOMEN. I am looking forward to hearing their thoughts on it! Hmmm...should we make Mai Tais like the group in Stone Harbor?
Enjoy your book group discussion this month!
Carol Fitzgerald (
P.S. For those of you who shop online, if you use the store links that appear on our site for shopping, gets a small affiliate fee on your purchases from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and IndieBound. As you check out the discussion guides and various features on our site, we would appreciate your considering this as you buy!
"What's Your Book Group Reading This Month?" Contest: Enter to Win Up to 12 Copies of HOMECOMING
by Kate Morton --- a Bets On Title Releasing in Paperback on April 2nd --- for Your Group
Each month in our "What's Your Book Group Reading This Month?" feature, we ask book groups to share the titles they are reading that month and rate them. From all entries, three winners will be selected, and each will win up to 12 copies of that month’s prize book for their group. Note: To be eligible to win, let us know the title of the book that YOUR book group is CURRENTLY reading, NOT the title we are giving away.
Our latest prize book is HOMECOMING by Kate Morton, a Bets On pick that releases in paperback on April 2nd. This sweeping novel begins with a shocking crime, the effects of which echo across continents and generations. To enter, please fill out the form on this page by Wednesday, April 10th at noon ET.
HOMECOMING by Kate Morton (Historical Mystery)
Adelaide Hills, Christmas Eve, 1959: At the end of a scorching hot day, beside a creek in the grounds of the grand and mysterious house, a local delivery man makes a terrible discovery. A police investigation is called, and the small town of Tambilla becomes embroiled in one of the most shocking and perplexing murder cases in the history of South Australia. Many years later, Jess is a journalist in search of a story. After her beloved grandmother, Nora, suffers a fall, Jess discovers a book at Nora’s house that chronicles the police investigation into a long-buried crime: the Turner Family Tragedy of Christmas Eve, 1959. It is only when Jess skims through the pages that she finds a shocking connection between her own family and this once-infamous event.
- Click here to read more about the book.
- Click here for the discussion guide.
- Click here to read our review on
- Click here to read Carol's Bets On commentary.
- Click here to watch our "Bookreporter Talks To" interview with Kate Morton.
- Click here to listen to a podcast of the interview.
- Click here to sign up for our "Bookaccino Live" Book Group event with Kate Morton on Wednesday, April 24th at 8pm ET.
Click here to enter the contest.
New Guide:
Reese’s Book Club Pick for March
ANITA DE MONTE LAUGHS LAST by Xochitl Gonzalez (Fiction)
1985. Anita de Monte, a rising star in the art world, is found dead in New York City. But by 1998, Anita’s name has been all but forgotten --- certainly by the time Raquel, a third-year art history student, is preparing her final thesis. On College Hill, surrounded by privileged students whose futures are already paved out for them, Raquel feels like an outsider. Students of color, like her, are the minority there, and the pressure to work twice as hard for the same opportunities is no secret. But when Raquel becomes romantically involved with a well-connected older art student, she finds herself unexpectedly rising up the social ranks. As she attempts to straddle both worlds, she stumbles upon Anita’s story, raising questions about the dynamics of her own relationship, which eerily mirrors that of the forgotten artist.
- Click here to read more about the book.
- Click here to read an excerpt.
- Click here to read our review on
- Click here to visit the Reese's Book Club website.
Click here for the discussion guide.
New Guides: THE GREAT DIVIDE by Cristina Henríquez
and THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros
March’s “Read with Jenna” Today Show Book Club Picks
Jenna Bush Hager is celebrating the five-year anniversary of her "Read with Jenna" book club by picking two books for her March selections: THE GREAT DIVIDE by Cristina Henríquez and THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros. Click here to see why she chose these titles.
THE GREAT DIVIDE by Cristina Henríquez (Fiction)
It is said that the Panama Canal will be the greatest feat of engineering in history. For Francisco, a local fisherman who resents the foreign powers clamoring for a slice of his country, nothing is more upsetting than the decision of his son, Omar, to work as a digger in the excavation zone. Ada Bunting is a bold 16-year-old from Barbados who arrives in Panama as a stowaway alongside thousands of other West Indians seeking work. When she sees Omar, who has collapsed after a grueling shift, she is the only one who rushes to his aid. John Oswald has dedicated his life to scientific research and has journeyed to Panama with the goal of eliminating malaria. But his wife, Marian, has fallen ill herself, and when he witnesses Ada’s bravery and compassion, he hires her on the spot as a caregiver. This fateful decision sets in motion a sweeping tale of ambition, loyalty and sacrifice.
- Click here to read more about the book.
- Click here to read our review on
Click here for the discussion guide for THE GREAT DIVIDE.
THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros (Fiction)
THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET is one of the most cherished novels of the last 50 years. Readers from all walks of life have fallen for the voice of Esperanza Cordero, growing up in Chicago and inventing for herself who and what she will become. “In English my name means hope,” she says. “In Spanish it means too many letters. It means sadness, it means waiting." Told in a series of vignettes --- sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes joyous --- Sandra Cisneros’ masterpiece is a classic story of childhood and self-discovery and one of the greatest neighborhood novels of all time. Like Sinclair Lewis’ MAIN STREET or Toni Morrison’s SULA, it makes a world through people and their voices, and it does so in language that is poetic and direct.
- Click here to read more about the book.
Click here for the discussion guide for THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET.
New Guide: LISTEN FOR THE LIE by Amy Tintera
March’s “Good Morning America” Book Club Pick
LISTEN FOR THE LIE by Amy Tintera (Mystery)
After Lucy is found wandering the streets, covered in her best friend Savvy’s blood, everyone thinks she is a murderer. Lucy and Savvy were the golden girls of their small Texas town. Lucy married a dream guy with a big ring and an even bigger new home. Savvy was the social butterfly loved by all and, if you believe the rumors, was especially popular with the men in town. It’s been years since that horrible night, a night Lucy can’t remember anything about, and she has since moved to LA. But now the phenomenally huge hit true-crime podcast "Listen for the Lie" and its too-good looking host, Ben Owens, have decided to investigate Savvy’s murder for the show’s second season. Lucy is forced to return to the place she vowed never to set foot in again to solve her friend’s murder, even if she is the one who did it.
- Click here to read more about the book.
- Click here to read an excerpt.
- Click here to read our review on
- Click here to see why the book is this month's "Good Morning America" Book Club pick.
Click here for the discussion guide.
by Elle Cosimano
FINLAY DONOVAN ROLLS THE DICE by Elle Cosimano (Mystery/Humor)
Finlay Donovan and her nanny/partner-in-crime, Vero, plan a trip to Atlantic City. But odds are it won’t be all fun and games --- seeing as it’s actually a cover story to negotiate a deal with a dangerous loan shark; save Vero’s childhood crush, Javi, from a kidnapper, Marco; and hunt down a stolen car. When they sneak into the loan shark’s suite to search for clues, they find more than they bargained for: Marco is already dead. They don’t know who murdered him, only that they themselves have a very convincing motive. Will Finlay fold under the pressure and come clean about the things she’s done, or be forced to double down?
- Click here to read more about the book.
- Click here to read an excerpt.
- Click here to visit Elle Cosimano's website.
Click here for the discussion guide.
by Lisa Gardner
STILL SEE YOU EVERYWHERE by Lisa Gardner (Mystery/Thriller)
The case was sensational. Kaylee Pierson had confessed from the very beginning. Despite the media’s chronicling of her childhood spent with a violent father, no one could find sympathy for “the Beautiful Butcher” who had led 18 men home from bars before viciously slitting their throats. Twelve years ago, Pierson’s five-year-old sister, Leilani, went missing in Hawaii, and the main suspect was Pierson’s ex-boyfriend. Now, with only three weeks left to live, Pierson has finally received a lead on her sister’s whereabouts. Frankie Elkin takes on Pierson’s request to find Leilani on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific. In order to learn the truth and possibly save a young woman’s life, Frankie must go undercover at the isolated base camp.
- Click here to read more about the book.
- Click here to read our review on
Click here for the discussion guide.
Favorite Monthly Lists & Picks for March
Each month, we share top book picks from Indie Next and LibraryReads. We also feature a number of other prominent selections, including the Barnes & Noble Book Club, the "Good Morning America" Book Club, Oprah’s Book Club, the "Read with Jenna" Today Show Book Club, Reese's Book Club, Simon & Schuster’s Book Club Favorites, and the Target Book Club.
Below is a preview of March's "Favorite Monthly Lists & Picks." For the complete Indie Next and LibraryReads lists, as well as additional links pertaining to this month's selections, please click here.
Indie Next
#1 Pick: WANDERING STARS by Tommy Orange
A FATE INKED IN BLOOD: Book One of the Saga of the Unfated by Danielle L. Jensen
THE OTHER VALLEY by Scott Alexander Howard
THE HUNTER by Tana French
Top Pick: HOW TO SOLVE YOUR OWN MURDER by Kristen Perrin
JAMES by Percival Everett
THE MYSTERY WRITER by Sulari Gentill
EVERYONE IS WATCHING by Heather Gudenkauf
Barnes & Noble Book Club
AFTER ANNIE by Anna Quindlen
"Good Morning America" Book Club
Oprah's Book Club
THE MANY LIVES OF MAMA LOVE: A Memoir of Lying, Stealing, Writing, and Healing by Lara Love Hardin
"Read with Jenna" Today Show Book Club
THE GREAT DIVIDE by Cristina Henríquez and THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros
Reese's Book Club
Simon & Schuster's Book Club Favorites
Target Book Club
New Special Contest on
Enter to Win One of 25 Copies of
LONG AFTER WE ARE GONE by Terah Shelton Harris, Releasing May 14th
LONG AFTER WE ARE GONE by Terah Shelton Harris is an explosive and emotional story of four siblings --- each fighting his or her own personal battle --- who return home in the wake of their father's death in order to save their family's home from being sold out from under them.
We have 25 copies of LONG AFTER WE ARE GONE to give away to those who would like to read the book, which releases on May 14th. To enter, please fill out this form by Friday, March 29th at noon ET.
LONG AFTER WE ARE GONE by Terah Shelton Harris (Fiction)
"Don't let the white man take the house."
These are the last words King Solomon says to his son before he dies. Now all four Solomon siblings must return to North Carolina to save the Kingdom, their ancestral home and 200 acres of land, from a development company that has their sights set on turning the valuable waterfront property into a luxury resort.
While fighting to save the Kingdom, the siblings also must save themselves from the secrets they've been holding onto. Junior, the oldest son and married to his wife for 11 years, is secretly in love with another man. Second son Mance can't control his temper, which has landed him in prison more than once. CeCe, the oldest daughter and a lawyer in New York City, has embezzled thousands of dollars from her firm's clients. Youngest daughter Tokey wonders why she doesn't seem to fit into this family, which has left an aching hole in her heart that she tries to fill in harmful ways.
As the Solomons come together to fight for the Kingdom, each of their façades begins to crumble and collide in unexpected ways.
Click here to enter the contest.'s 13th Annual
Spring Preview Contests and Feature
Spring is in the air! We’ve caught the fever --- and it’s being fueled by some wonderful new and upcoming releases.
Our 13th annual Spring Preview Contests and Feature spotlights many of these picks, which we know people will be talking about over the next few months. We are hosting a series of 24-hour contests for these titles on select days through mid-April. You will need to check the site to see the featured book and enter to win.
We also are sending a special newsletter to announce each title, which you can sign up for here.
This year's contest titles are:
Click here to read all the contest details
and learn more about our featured titles. Bets On:
END OF STORY by A. J. Finn
and LEAVING by Roxana Robinson
END OF STORY by A. J. Finn (Psychological Thriller)
There is something about thrillers that makes it difficult to write Bets On copy. The best of them work because they have great twists, but sharing those would ruin the read.
The setup of A. J. Finn’s END OF STORY gives you an ominous feeling right from the start. A cab driver has chilling banter with his passenger, Nicky Hunter, as he drops her off at the fabulous mansion of reclusive mystery novelist Sebastian Trapp. He reminds her that both the wife and the son who lived in this house died 20 years ago. Nicky, who is schooled in detective fiction, has been invited by Sebastian with this message: “I’ll be dead in three months. Come tell my story.”
- Click here to read more about the book.
- Click here to read our review on
Click here to read more of Carol's commentary on END OF STORY.
LEAVING by Roxana Robinson (Fiction)
The word “leaving” takes on so many different meanings in Roxana Robinson’s latest novel, LEAVING.
When in college Warren asked Sarah to travel through Europe with him, she contemplated it for a short time and then realized that she did not feel he would protect her or care for her as she needed. So she declined, leaving him for the first time. A few decades pass, and they run into each other at the opera, picking up their conversation. Sarah has divorced her husband (another leaving), and her children are grown. Warren still is married, but he and his wife are living in different orbits. At times they come together, but for the most part, the love between them is a lot paler than it once was. Let’s just say that love has left, and instead routine and obligation has settled in.
- Click here to read more about the book.
Click here to read more of Carol's commentary on LEAVING.’s 12 ½ Annual Book Group Speed Dating Event: Great Books for Book Groups
From left to right: Heather Gudenkauf, Rebecca Serle, Dervla McTiernan
Upcoming Virtual Book and Author Events
Here are eight upcoming virtual book and author events that you may be interested in attending. Click on the links for more info and to register.
Monday, March 18th at 7pm ET: Murder By The Book: Simone St. James will talk to Mystery and Thriller Maven’s Sara DiVello about her terrifying new novel, MURDER ROAD, in which a young couple find themselves haunted by a string of gruesome murders committed along an old deserted road.
Monday, March 18th at 8pm ET: Murder By The Book: Heather Gudenkauf will talk to Mystery and Thriller Maven’s Sara DiVello about her latest twisty thriller, EVERYONE IS WATCHING, in which a mysterious high-stakes game proves life-threatening.
Wednesday, March 20th at 7pm ET: "Friends and Fiction": The "Friends and Fiction" authors --- Mary Kay Andrews, Kristin Harmel, Kristy Woodson Harvey and Patti Callahan Henry --- will talk to Anna Quindlen about her latest novel, AFTER ANNIE.
Wednesday, March 20th at 8pm ET: "Bookaccino Live" Spring Preview Event: Carol Fitzgerald will talk about a number of books releasing this spring that we think you will enjoy reading over the next few months.
Thursday, March 21st at 8pm ET: The Poisoned Pen Bookstore: Heather Gudenkauf, Mary Kubica and Lisa Unger will talk about their highly anticipated new thrillers: Heather's EVERYONE IS WATCHING, Mary's SHE'S NOT SORRY, and Lisa's THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B.
Sunday, March 24th at 7pm ET: Barnes & Noble: Join Barnes & Noble as they welcome Rebecca Serle, the New York Times bestselling author of IN FIVE YEARS and ONE ITALIAN SUMMER, for a live virtual discussion of her highly anticipated new novel, EXPIRATION DATES. Rebecca will be in conversation with bestselling author Laura Dave.
Tuesday, March 26th at 9:15pm ET: The Poisoned Pen Bookstore: Dervla McTiernan will talk to special guest host Sulari Gentill about her new book, WHAT HAPPENED TO NINA?, an emotional novel about two families pitted against each other --- one seeking justice in the disappearance of their daughter, the other desperate to clear their son’s name.
Wednesday, March 27th at 7pm ET: "Friends and Fiction": The "Friends and Fiction" authors will talk to Allison Pataki about her new work of historical fiction, FINDING MARGARET FULLER.
"Bookreporter Talks To" Videos & Podcasts
“Bookreporter Talks To” is a video and podcast series that delivers a long-form, in-depth author interview every week. For years, Carol has moderated book festivals and author events around the country. But we know that readers often do not live where they can attend an author event. Our goal is to bring these author interviews to readers, wherever they may be. Watch on video, or listen as a podcast. (The podcasts include audio excerpts.)
Here are our latest interviews:
Other authors we've interviewed include:
Click here for a complete list of our
"Bookreporter Talks To" videos and podcasts.
We currently are featuring the following guides on
AFTER ANNIE by Anna Quindlen (Fiction)
Anna Quindlen’s trademark wisdom on family, friendship and the ties that bind us are at the center of this novel about the power of love to transcend loss and triumph over adversity.
ANITA DE MONTE LAUGHS LAST by Xochitl Gonzalez (Fiction)
New York Times bestselling author Xochitl Gonzalez delivers a mesmerizing novel about a first-generation Ivy League student who uncovers the genius work of a female artist decades after her suspicious death.
FINLAY DONOVAN ROLLS THE DICE by Elle Cosimano (Mystery/Humor)
From New York Times bestselling author Elle Cosimano comes FINLAY DONOVAN ROLLS THE DICE, the fiercely anticipated next installment in the beloved Finlay Donovan series.
THE GREAT DIVIDE by Cristina Henríquez (Fiction)
THE GREAT DIVIDE is a powerful novel about the construction of the Panama Canal, casting light on the unsung people who lived, loved and labored there.
HOMECOMING by Kate Morton (Historical Mystery)
From the bestselling author of THE CLOCKMAKER'S DAUGHTER comes a sweeping novel that begins with a shocking crime, the effects of which echo across continents and generations.
THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET by Sandra Cisneros (Fiction)
Told in a series of vignettes --- sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes joyous --- Sandra Cisneros’ masterpiece is a classic story of childhood and self-discovery and one of the greatest neighborhood novels of all time.
LISTEN FOR THE LIE by Amy Tintera (Mystery)
What if you thought you murdered your best friend? And if everyone else thought so too? And what if the truth doesn't matter?
THE MANY LIVES OF MAMA LOVE: A Memoir of Lying, Stealing, Writing, and Healing by Lara Love Hardin (Memoir)
New York Times bestselling author Lara Love Hardin recounts her slide from soccer mom to opioid addict to jailhouse shot-caller and her unlikely comeback as a highly successful ghostwriter in this harrowing, hilarious, no-holds-barred memoir.
THE PHOENIX CROWN by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang (Historical Fiction)
Bestselling authors Kate Quinn and Janie Chang have penned a thrilling and unforgettable narrative about the intertwined lives of two wronged women, spanning from the chaos of the San Francisco earthquake to the glittering palaces of Versailles.
SLOW NOODLES: A Cambodian Memoir of Love, Loss, and Family Recipes by Chantha Nguon with Kim Green (Memoir)
SLOW NOODLES is a haunting and beautiful memoir from a Cambodian refugee who lost her country and her family during Pol Pot's genocide in the 1970s but who finds hope by reclaiming the recipes she tasted in her mother's kitchen.
STILL SEE YOU EVERYWHERE by Lisa Gardner (Mystery/Thriller)
Frankie Elkin is an expert at finding the missing persons the rest of the world has forgotten, but even she couldn’t have anticipated this latest request --- to locate the long-lost sister of a female serial killer facing execution in three weeks’ time.
THE SUMMER BOOK CLUB by Susan Mallery (Fiction)
This summer, three friends find the courage to step into the next chapter of their lives in Susan Mallery's heartwarming novel, THE SUMMER BOOK CLUB.
WANDERING STARS by Tommy Orange (Fiction)
In a novel that is by turns shattering and wondrous, Tommy Orange has conjured the ancestors of the family readers first fell in love with in THERE THERE --- warriors, drunks, outlaws, addicts --- asking what it means to be the children and grandchildren of massacre.
THE WOMEN by Kristin Hannah (Historical Fiction)
From the celebrated author of THE NIGHTINGALE and THE FOUR WINDS comes Kristin Hannah's THE WOMEN --- at once an intimate portrait of coming of age in a dangerous time and an epic tale of a nation divided.
Please note that these titles, for which we already had the guides when they appeared in hardcover, are now available in paperback:
CROW MARY by Kathleen Grissom (Historical Fiction)
The New York Times bestselling author of the book club classics THE KITCHEN HOUSE and GLORY OVER EVERYTHING returns with a sweeping saga inspired by the true story of Crow Mary --- an indigenous woman torn between two worlds in 19th-century North America.
DIRTY LAUNDRY by Disha Bose (Fiction)
In this dazzling debut novel, Disha Bose revolutionizes age-old ideas of love and deceit. What ensues is the delicious unspooling of a group of women desperate to preserve themselves.
HAPPY PLACE by Emily Henry (Romantic Comedy)
A couple who broke up months ago pretend to still be together for their annual weeklong vacation with their best friends in this glittering and wise novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.
ONCE WE WERE HOME by Jennifer Rosner (Historical Fiction)
From the award-winning author of THE YELLOW BIRD SINGS comes a novel based on the true stories of children stolen in the wake of World War II.
THE ONLY SURVIVORS by Megan Miranda (Psychological Thriller/Mystery)
From the New York Times bestselling author of ALL THE MISSING GIRLS comes a thrilling mystery about a group of former classmates who reunite to mark the 10th anniversary of a tragic accident --- only to have one of the survivors disappear, casting fear and suspicion on the original tragedy.
PINEAPPLE STREET by Jenny Jackson (Fiction)
A deliciously funny, sharply observed debut of family, love and class, this zeitgeisty novel follows three women in one wealthy Brooklyn clan.