Critical Praise
"What Garrison Keillor has done for Lake Wobegon, Edgerton has done for Listre, creating a place of battered charms and dog-eared lore."
——The Washington Post
"Here, evil comes to sleepy Listre, N.C., circa 1950, in the form of a stranger with a pencil-thin mustache and a trunkful of dirty movies. Listre is the kind of rustic crossroads where the most exciting event in years was a collision between a mule and a pickup truck, where boys slip over to the Gulf station for a Nehi and a peek at the pinup calendar, and where everybody knows everybody else's secrets. It's the kind of place, in other words, where it seems like nothing ever changes--until the fateful day when everything changes at once."
——Entertainment Weekly
"Hilarious...Wonderful...Edgerton engagingly captures small-town America."
——Atlanta Journal & Constitution
"Clyde Edgerton is an American Treasure."
——San Diego Union-Tribune