Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Women's Wheel of Life

1. Which archetype on the wheel do you feel best represents you now? Why? What are the events in your life that have led you to this stage?
2. Are there stages on the wheel you have visited again and again? Are there stages which you would like to enter, yet they elude you?
3. As the authors point out, many ancient religions represent women's lives in three phases: the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone. In this book, the authors have added the Matriarch phase to this trinity. What do you know about women at this time in their lives, either from your own experience or from the experiences of others? Does this fourth phase seem to you to be a valid addition to the trinity?
4. What are some of our society's misconceptions about older women? How do you yourself feel about growing older? What are some of the ways in which this book redefines a woman's aging process?
5.What do you think your grandmother's experience with her own Blood Mysteries was like? Your mother's? Your daughter's? Try to place these different experiences into a historical context which reflects the growth of the women's movement over the last few generations.
6.The thirteenth stage, the Transformer, represents the medium of change in women's lives. Some of the women interviewed describe this stage as a period of descent somewhat akin to depression. Describe your experience of change. How did other people treat you when you were in this stage? What has your relationship been to feminism? When and where did you first encounter the concept? How did that experience change the way you feel about yourself, other women, and men? Describe how this book has impacted your feminism, or femininity.
7.The media often portrays women before and during their periods as unreasonable, unhappy, and emotionally unstable. What actually happens to you at this time of the month? Has the media affected your perceptions of yourself? How has this book changed that perception?
8.What is it like for women at your place of employment? What are co-workers' expectations of you? One woman interviewed in the book noticed that "as you provide some women's knowledge in a male-based world, it feels right to both of you" (page 210-211). Are the people you work with willing to accept unconventional kinds of wisdom?
The Women's Wheel of Life
- Publication Date: May 1, 1997
- Mass Market Paperback: 256 pages
- Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics)
- ISBN-10: 014019505X
- ISBN-13: 9780140195057