Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Stories We Tell

1. The book opens with the narrator, Eve, telling us about her eye color changing. In what ways was this event a premonition of the other changes in Eve’s life?
2. Let’s talk about the title of this book --- THE STORIES WE TELL. What do you believe the author means by “stories?” What are the stories we tell in a relationship as we come to know each other?
3. The art and craft of letterpress is an integral part of the story. What do you think about Eve’s obsession with typography, letterpress machines and fonts? How does it fit in with the notion of “stories?”
4. Creativity and art are healing balms for both Willa and Eve in different ways. How do you believe working has helped Eve and singing/songwriting has helped Willa? What is it about the creative process that helps people to heal?
5. Willa has a traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), which affects her memory and her emotions. How do you think this injury affected Eve’s willingness to believe Willa’s version of that night? Were you able to trust Willa’s story and perceptions?
6. Gwen is rebelling in different ways during the crisis, and Eve talks about adolescence meaning “a disturbance.” How much do you think Gwen’s behavior was a reflection of the tension in her parents’ marriage?
7. Eve and Max have an obvious attraction to each other, yet both of them try to keep it professional. Do you think they could have avoided falling in love? Or can you avoid such a thing?
8. What do you think of the term “financial infidelity?” In what ways do you think this kind of infidelity breaches ethics? Or does it?
9. Image, family, and success appear to be of the utmost importance to Cooper. Do these ideas oppose each another? At what point in the story did you, as a reader, start to doubt Cooper’s story?
10. The Ten Good Ideas came from Willa and Eve’s childhood remodeling of The Ten Commandments. What ideas, both as a child and as an adult, would you include in this list? Which idea resonated the most with you?
11. The tagline for Eve’s company is, “There’s a story behind everything.” Max often expressed himself with stories --- fables, folk tales and fairy tales. Willa expressed herself in songs and she also believed her dreams told her about her life. In what ways do you incorporate this kind of storytelling into your own life?
12. Eve’s family plays a pivotal role in her life and in her beliefs. How do you believe this influenced her belief in Cooper? How do you believe this affected her final decision?
13. Savannah, as a city, seems almost like a character in the novel. In what ways does this distinct setting influence the story? Would this have been a different kind of story if it had been set elsewhere?
14. Did you have a sense of who was telling a “true story” throughout this novel --- and who wasn’t? Did that change throughout your read? How did you think it would end?
The Stories We Tell
- Publication Date: May 19, 2015
- Genres: Fiction
- Paperback: 288 pages
- Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
- ISBN-10: 1250068126
- ISBN-13: 9781250068125