Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Queen of Sleepy Eye

1. The author lived through the 1970s, but her research led her to fresh discoveries about the people and time. How has the novel compared to your memories of that time? If you are too young to remember the 1970s, what stereotypes did the story challenge for you?
2. Which of the characters makes the biggest impact on Amy and how?
3. How do each of the major characters—Amy, Francie, Feather, H, Mrs. Clancy—change over the course of the story? Which characters demonstrate little or no growth, and why?
4. What do we learn about Amy through her relationship and correspondence with Lauren?
5. What similarities or differences do you recognize from your relationship with your mother and/or your daughter and the relationship between Amy and Francie? What could you do to strengthen your relationship?
6. Amy believes she is insulated by her faith from making the same mistakes her mother has. How is that true or untrue? What unmet needs are shared by both Amy and Francie? How does Amy’s need make her vulnerable to temptation in the apple orchard?
7. Father Raymond says to Amy, “There never lived a perfectly good saint, but true saints learn to enjoy the goodness of God in spite of their imperfections. Let him love you as he made you and lavish you with his grace.” How does his counsel correspond with your own view of God?
8. Why does Pastor Ted refuse to come and pray for Feather? What do you think of his dilemma? If you were Amy’s pastor years later, how would you counsel her regarding this experience from her past?
9. Amy’s dreams of college and independence die hard. What is the source of our dreams? When is it time to let a dream rest in peace? When is it time to resurrect a dream?
10. Amy tells Carl to rush to the Father just as the prodigal son ran to his. In what ways have you distanced yourself from God?
The Queen of Sleepy Eye
- Publication Date: September 1, 2008
- Paperback: 416 pages
- Publisher: B&H Fiction
- ISBN-10: 0805447504
- ISBN-13: 9780805447507