Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Luckiest Girl in the World

1.) What kinds of words would you use to describe Katie? Are these qualities unusual in a girl her age? How do these qualities contribute to her psychological state? Which of these qualities could be useful to help her overcome her difficulties?
2.) Some of the most telling passages in the book occur on the skating rink. In the first scene, Katherine fumes while her daughter misses a jump. Katie feels so frustrated she is tempted to quit, and feels that Ron, her coach, is being "too nice to her. She would have felt better if he yelled at her." What does this scene reveal about Katie and her mother? How does it set the stage for Katie's self-destructive behavior?
3.) Do you think Katie's mother is responsible for her daughter's unhappiness? We find out that Katherine has sacrificed both time and money for her daughter's skating lessons, so it is understandable that she wants to see Katie succeed. Do you think that Katherine should stop pushing Katie? Would it be better for Katie not to skate at all? As a mother, are there instances in which you feel that you might have pushed your daughter too hard? As a daughter, do you feel that your mother often has unrealistic expectations of you? In the past, how have you responded to this pressure?
4.) Certain incidents cause Katie to "space out," the term she uses to describe the feelings she experiences before she goes to cut herself. Try to imagine how she feels. What kinds of constructive things could Katie do to get herself through these frightening spells?
5.) Katie's therapist, Sandy, recognizes Katie's "greatest liability and her greatest asset-her strength." How does being strong both help and hurt Katie?
6.) How, specifically, does Sandy help Katie come to terms with her unhappiness? What sort of an environment does he provide for her? How do the girls in Katie's group help her cope with her problems? If you were her mother, how could you create this type of nurturing and healing enviornment for Katie?
7.) What sorts of signs would you look for in people you know that would indicate the kind of trouble in their lives that would lead to self-mutilation or other self-destructive behavior? As a mother, if you found out that your daughter was hurting herself what would you do? As a daughter, what would you do if you found out that one of your classmates was hurting herself?
The Luckiest Girl in the World
- Publication Date: March 1, 1998
- Paperback: 188 pages
- Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics)
- ISBN-10: 0140266259
- ISBN-13: 9780140266252