Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Fury

1. In the first chapter, Elliot states, “We are all the unreliable narrators of our own lives.” Do you agree? How much did you trust Elliot’s narration while reading?
2. What other “locked room mysteries” or “trapped on an island” stories have you enjoyed in literature, television or film? How does THE FURY fit the genre? In what ways does the author subvert your genre expectations?
3. Elliot refers to a variety of figures from Greek mythology, history and literature, including Clytemnestra, Artemis, Eros and an oracle. What references to Greek figures stood out to you? In what ways does this novel reflect a Greek tragedy?
4. Elliot claims that he and Lana were “soulmates.” In what ways were they similar? In what ways did they differ?
5. The characters use Agathi’s fortune-telling crystal, asking it yes or no questions. Do you believe the crystal was actually able to tell the future? What secret questions do you think each character asked?
6. The isolated island and ferocious wind create a unique setting. How does the wind, the fury, add to the story? What aspects of the setting were the most engaging?
7. Throughout his narration, Elliot addresses how events in childhood affect our development into adulthood. He quotes his therapist saying, “When we are young and afraid --- when we are shamed, and humiliated --- something happens. Time stops. It freezes, in that moment. A version of us is trapped, at that age --- forever.” Do you agree? How is this idea explored? Which character exemplifies this the most?
8. Many of the main characters have experience acting on stage and screen. How does this affect the way they present themselves? How do they see the world differently because of their experience acting?
9. Which of the book’s twists surprised you the most? Were there any moments of foreshadowing that stuck out to you?
10. What perspectives does each character have on love? How does the novel explore the theme of love and lack of love?
11. When contemplating the tragedy that occurs on the island, Elliot quotes the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, saying, “Character is fate.” Do you believe the murder was destined to happen because of who the characters are? Was there any way they could have avoided their fates?
The Fury
- Publication Date: March 4, 2025
- Genres: Fiction, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller
- Paperback: 336 pages
- Publisher: Celadon Books
- ISBN-10: 1250758998
- ISBN-13: 9781250758996