Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Only If You're Lucky

1. The novel begins with the epigraph, “If I ever read Satan’s signature upon a face, it is on that of your new friend —Robert Louis Stevenson.” How does this set the tone for the rest of the novel? How does it relate to the friend group?
2. The novel is told in “before” and “after” timelines. How does this change your perception of the characters? How does it build suspense?
3. Margot says, “I guess that’s the thing about grief, loss: it changes everything, not just you.” What role does grief play in the novel? How does grief seem to change Margot? Are there other examples of loss and grief?
4. How do Margot’s memories with Eliza shape her identity at Rutledge?
5. Margot is described as “malleable.” Do you agree? How does her identity shift throughout the novel? Do you think she loses herself in others?
6. What is the dynamic of the friend group like? How do the girls differ from each other? How are they similar?
7. Lucy is described as mysterious and an enigmatic character. How would you describe her? Do you like or dislike her?
8. What purpose does trust serve? Do the characters trust each other?
9. In what ways does the relationship between Lucy and Margot mirror that of Eliza and Margot? How are Lucy and Eliza similar? What are their effects on Margot?
10. How does this novel discuss the idea of a true identity and a perceived one?
11. Lucy often betrays her friends, and Margot is aware of this. Why do you think Margot continues to be friends with her? Do you think friendships require trust and loyalty?
12. Lucy discusses how the pledges are “desperate to belong.” Do you think Margot is this way? Is Lucy?
13. The characters read and reference STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE often. How does this relate to the characters?
14. How does the college and dark academic atmosphere at Rutledge amplify the suspense?
15. Lucy has a fascination with stars, from the ones on her necklace, ceiling, phone and the song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” What do the stars represent for Lucy? How is Lucy similar to a star? Is Eliza?
16. What did you think about the ending? Do you think it was deserved? Was there justice in the end? Who do you think turned out to be the true “villain” in the end?
Only If You're Lucky
- Publication Date: January 21, 2025
- Genres: Fiction, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller
- Paperback: 384 pages
- Publisher: Minotaur Books
- ISBN-10: 125088795X
- ISBN-13: 9781250887955