Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal

1. What most impressed you about the author and the children with whom he came into contact? Did any aspect of the story upset you? Did Conor's story inspire you?
2. In your opinion, what was it about these children that touched Conor so deeply? Were you moved by their plight? What about the increasing number of children growing up in poverty in America? Do you see these children in the same way, or do you see their situations differently?
3. How might American children help their counterparts in places like Nepal? Thinking about the Little Princes, do you think we as Americans spoil our children and ourselves --- do we buy more than what can truly be appreciated?
4. When Conor returned to Nepal he met the mother of one of the Little Princes. How did this affect him personally? And how did it influence the course of events that followed?
5. How did volunteering at Little Princes prepare Conor for having a family of his own? What did these children teach him about himself and the world?
6. At the beginning of Little Princes, Conor did not see himself as a global humanitarian, yet his visit to Nepal changed everything. What is it about him --- and others like him introduced in Little Princes --- that sets him apart from those who don't volunteer or get involved?
7. How did Golkka, the man who trafficked many of these children, get away with his nefarious practices for so long? Human trafficking has become a worldwide problem, affecting millions. Why has it flourished and what steps might help stop it? How might you play a role? Would you consider doing so? Why or why not?
8. Do you empathize with the parents of the Little Princes children and others? Do you understand why they gave their children up? What might you do given similar circumstances?
9. What lessons did you take away from reading Little Princes?
Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal
- Publication Date: January 25, 2011
- Genres: Nonfiction
- Hardcover: 304 pages
- Publisher: William Morrow
- ISBN-10: 0061930059
- ISBN-13: 9780061930058