Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Here Kitty Kitty: A Novel

1. In the novel's first chapter, Lee points out that "the things that make you free start to keep you down" (page 4). How is this sentiment reflected throughout the novel?
2. Appearances are often misleading. Identify and discuss various distinctions drawn in the novel between reality and perception.
3. Despite Lee's wild lifestyle, she always seems to have a guardian angel of sorts ready to save her when she most needs it --- Art, Becca, and Yves, for example. Is Lee saved in the end?
4. In the beginning of their relationship, Kelly informs Lee that he is not interested in taking care of her. What does he mean by that? How does their relationship compare to Lee's relationship with Yves?
5. What do Yves and Kelly offer Lee? How does she treat them both?
6. A few women stand out in Lee's story --- her mother; Belinda; Nick; and Chico's wife, Audrey. Discuss each woman's interactions with Lee. How does each influence Lee's growth? Can the same be said for the men in the novel?
7. Kelly says, "The stuff that changes your life is never very dramatic. You know? Not to other people" (page 148). Do you agree with his assertion? How is it reflected in his own life? In Lee's?
8. Yves offers Lee the chance of a lifetime. Does Lee make the right choice in the end? Why does she make her decision?
9. People deal with grief in myriad ways. In Here Kitty Kitty the death of Lee's mother is never far from Lee's consciousness. What does Lee remember most about her mother? How does she cope with her grief?
10. A great deal of this book is spent in the grip of memory and has a nostalgic feel. What kind of memories does Lee focus on in the story? What do they reveal about her state of mind?
11. A life with Kelly seems to be the perfect ending to Lee's story. Does her ultimate decision come as a surprise? Discuss her reasoning. What does her decision suggest about her in the end?
12. Lee is a flawed character, initially on a destructive path. Yet she reaches an impasse early in the book. What self-discoveries does she make? Does she succeed in changing her life?
Here Kitty Kitty: A Novel
- Publication Date: July 13, 2005
- Paperback: 240 pages
- Publisher: Back Bay Books
- ISBN-10: 0316010758
- ISBN-13: 9780316010757