Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Driving Lessons
1. At the beginning Sarah seems lost, despite the fact that she can claim a successful career. Can you relate to this? Would you be able to walk away from lucrative stability in pursuit of emotional fulfillment?
2. Sarah feels guilty because of her maternal uncertainties and is unable to be truthful with Josh as a result. She feels as though she is letting him down, despite the fact that she will be the one carrying the literal load for nine months. Do you think most women feel pressured by society to play the role of eager mom?
3. In the same vein, what did you think of Iris’s unapologetic stance on children? Were you put off or did you admire her chutzpah?
4. Sarah agrees to move to Farmwood despite the fact that she has some serious driving fears. What are these fears analogous to?
5. Sarah has led a fairly workaholic lifestyle prior to Farmwood. This left some time to pine for a career she was more passionate about --- without actually allowing her the time to pursue it. Ironically, when she’s unemployed and with nothing but that kind of time, she’s paralyzed by the opportunity. Has this ever happened to you?
6. Sarah is plagued throughout the novel by ladybugs. Is there a metaphor here? If so, what is it?
7. Did you find Sarah’s relationship with her mother to be realistic? As you approach the idea of motherhood, or as a mother yourself, what things about your own mother do you find yourself trying to emulate or avoid?
8. Sarah and Mona handle Mona’s diagnosis and pending hysterectomy with a lot of humor, despite the fear and vulnerability they feel. How do you think you would react in a similar situation? And do you think Mona’s fears pertain more to the diagnosis or to the results of the surgery?
9. What did you think about Kate’s unabashed frankness about her pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum sex life? Could you relate or did it make you uncomfortable?
10. Do you think Sarah and Iris will indeed be friends?
Driving Lessons
- Publication Date: April 8, 2014
- Genres: Fiction, Women's Fiction
- Paperback: 336 pages
- Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
- ISBN-10: 0062059823
- ISBN-13: 9780062059826