Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Deliver Us from Evil
1. In the story, Brannon and Lincoln were loyal friends. Lincoln helped Brannon get through a personal tragedy, using Scripture and faith to strengthen her resolve. Many times in life, we need a friend to speak to us in truth and encourage us. Looking at your own friendships, how can you be more of a biblical blessing to your friends? See Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 18:24, and John 15:13.
2. The loss of loved ones can have a profound effect on people. In the book, Brannon chose her professions based on an emotional need to save people. This need stemmed from losing loved ones. Roark’s loss of the little girl triggered a physical response of becoming claustrophobic. Have you ever lost someone you loved? What effect did it have on you --- physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
3. It’s no secret that parents’ attitudes rub off on their children. Congressman Warren McGovern lost his mother at a vulnerable age and had to live with his militant father who had strict ideas about living life to a particular code. Reflect upon how your own parents’ ideals (good and bad) affected your childhood. What about this would you have changed if you could? How has this followed you into adulthood?
4. Child trafficking is a very serious and real tragedy. In the story, Roark has an opportunity to bring those involved to justice. Do you think our current laws are too easy or too harsh on those involved with exploiting children? Discuss how you can help with this issue. See Psalm 127:2-4 and Matthew 19:14.
5. Brannon was afraid to open her heart again after losing the man she’d loved. Fear can paralyze people, yet what does Scripture tell us about fear? See Psalm 23:4, Psalm 27:1, and Isaiah 41:13.
6. Yanisa and Kanya were children, innocents, but in a horrible situation over which they felt they had no control. Yet, they were determined to improve their quality of life. Have you faced a situation you felt you had no control over, yet struggled to improve your life despite the situation? What did you do?
7. Lincoln and Brannon not only had deep faith, but lived it. Why should we live according to our faith? How can we exhibit our faith in everyday life? See Proverbs 14:25, Isaiah 44:8, and Acts 1:8.
8. When Brannon meets Jefferson for the second time, she thinks he’s the same tormenter that he once was. But as she listens to him, she realizes she’d judged him too quickly. How can we avoid judging others without getting to know them? What does the Bible say about judging others? See Matthew 7:1-3 and Luke 6:37
9. In the story, Roark had chosen to move away from God because of something bad that happened in his life. Have you ever felt disappointed or angry with God because of your circumstances? How did you deal with your emotions? What did you do to move back into a relationship with God?
10. While the congressman’s motives were greed and power, Jonathan Wilks’s participation in the child trafficking ring was a means to provide special medication for his wife. Do you believe doing something wrong for the right reason is okay? What does Scripture have to say on the subject? See Genesis 2:1-3, 1 Kings 15:11, and Isaiah 1:17.
11. Brannon witnessed to Roark, and Lincoln questioned her motives. See 1 Philippians 1:18. Why do you think God can use selfish motives to further His purposes?
12. Roark and Brannon felt a quick, emotional connection to one another. Do you believe people can become connected that quickly? Why or why not?
13. Brannon had instances in the story where she lacked self-confidence in her job as well as in her status with her best friend. Why do you think she felt that way? What in our own lives can cause us to lack confidence?
14. What do the following tell us about true confidence: Psalm 40:3-5; Isaiah 30:15; 2 Corinthians 1:9-11.
15. When Brannon hurt her ankle and had to use crutches for a short time, she felt helpless. What do you do when you feel helpless? How can we overcome such feelings? How easy is it for you to ask for help. What do Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Proverbs 17:17, and Proverbs 27:10 say to you about this issue?