Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Daughters of the Bride

1. Perhaps the strongest theme in DAUGHTERS OF THE BRIDE was that of being brave. How did each of the storylines illustrate this theme? Did you recognize any other themes in the book?
2. Which character experienced the greatest transformation? What were the turning points that led to this transformation?
3. How did the sisters' relationship with each other change? How did their relationship with Maggie change? What story events led to these changes?
4. The first time Maggie got married, she didn't get the wedding of her dreams because her mother made all the decisions. This time around, Maggie is determined to get the wedding she dreamed of when she was a teenager. What choices would you have made if you were planning the wedding of your teenage dreams?
5. Who were the point-of-view characters in this book? Why do you think Mallery chose to tell the story through those characters? Were there any other characters through whose eyes you'd like to have seen parts of the story?
6. What did you think about the way that Courtney dealt with the mean girl at Quinn's party? Have you ever had to deal with a mean girl? Or have you ever been a mean girl, yourself?
7. Rachel trying to do it all alone ---like a lot of mothers. Do you find it hard to ask for help? Did asking for help make Rachel weaker or stronger? Why?
8. Why do you think Sienna accepted David's proposal in the first place?
9. Quinn didn't just accept Courtney for who she is --- he desired her and admired her for it. How do you think this changed how Courtney viewed herself? And how did Courtney's view of herself impact the way her sisters and her mom saw her?
10. Rachel and Greg's happy ending took place in the linen closet at the Los Lobos Hotel. (Yes, a "happy ending" in both senses of the phrase.) Where is the most unusual place where you've made love?
Menu suggestion:
Roasted Acorn Squash Bisque
Honey-Lime Salmon
Drunken Honey Bee Cupcakes
Recipes can be found at, where you'll also find details on how to set up a phone call or a Skype chat with Susan Mallery and your book club!