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Commitment Hour

Chapter One

A Net for a Duck

The night before Commitment, I was down in the marsh with the frogs and the fish, sitting out the time on a mud-crusted log and waiting for the gods to send me a duck.

I'd spent hundreds of hours in that marsh when I was young, practicing my violin. Elderly mosquitoes may still tell their larvae about the human child who was so busy rehearsing arpeggios he didn't have time to swat. Our village doctor claims I forced her to work daily from dawn to dusk, gathering and grinding the herbs I needed for skin ointment when I came home each night. But back then, Cypress Marsh was the only place the Elders of Tober Cove let me practice; they said if they let me play in town, the noise would curdle milk.

Now that I was twenty, they'd stopped complaining. I'd become our cove's most gold-getting export: shipped down-peninsula to weddings, harvest festivals and spring struts, earning five times as much as any fisher or farmer. My foster father told me the Elders sometimes fought over which of them could take the most credit for my success; but the real credit should go to the dragonflies who discovered that where there's a violin, there are all the mosquitoes a bug can eat. They saved my blood and bone . . . and even today, Cypress Marsh dragonflies come buzzing at the sound of violin music, like children hearing the dinner bell.

As I sat on the log that night, I considered taking up my bow and giving the dragonflies a thank-you serenade. Of course, I'd brought my violin with me--I never left the cottage without it under my arm, even when I set out to my "day job" hauling nets on the perch boats. The violin made my work easier: in the middle of the after noon, someone would always say to me, "Fullin, we could sure use a June." Then I passed a couple hours playing "The Maiden and the Hungry Pigboy'' while the other men bent their backs.

We all thought it was a fair exchange.

I had taken the violin out and was softly tuning the strings when a song drifted to me from the far end of the marsh.


I will come to you in winter.
Though we lay us down in snow,
It cannot chill us.

Cappie, waxing romantic. In the years she was a man, her voice was a fine bass, a rough-edged rumble like Master Thunder's lament for his fallen son. Many times I'd told her she could polish that voice into a real money maker, if she just made the effort. But in the years she was a woman her voice was scabby--thin as a reed and apt to wobble on anything longer than a quarter note. The pity was, she liked to sing as a woman; as a man, she was the silent type who stared moodily into camp fires.


I will stay with you through spring.
Though the wild Nor'westers blow,
They cannot spill us.

Lately she'd taken to singing every day: drippy sentimental songs that she directed toward me with a delivery she'd picked up from a throb-woman who passed through Tober Cove with a troupe of traveling players. By popular request I'd gone to the platform to accompany the singer in a tune and this woman had chosen a moist little ballad designed to set men drooling. You know the kind or song I'm talking about--performed wish so many hip grinds you can't well whether the woman is singing actual words or just bed-whinnies. Because I was on the stage with her most or the bump'n'hump was aimed at me . . . not that I noticed it much. While the woman was trying to rub up against me I was working hard just to make sure the pointed end or my violin bow didn't poke out her eye. Still Cappie got the idea I'd been aroused by all that slinking and strutting and had taken to doing her own torch routines for my benefit. Let me tell you Cappie was no South-city seductress--it was all I could do not to cringe every time she began to shimmy.


I will dance with you through summer.
Though the heat makes rivers slow,
It cannot still us.

Cappie had also started to ask what sex I was going to Commit to. The laws or she Patriarch expressly prohibited discussing the choice but that didn't matter; when Cappie was a woman she disregarded any law that didn't make sense to her.

"I have to know what you're going to be " she'd say. "I would be a disaster if we both chose the same sex and could never be married."

More and more I didn't think that would be a disaster at all. It was too cruel to say out loud but that response clattered around in my brain every lime she asked how much I loved her. She asked the question a lot; I thought my unspoken answer just as often.

I'd outgrown her. I was famous throughout the Bruise Peninsula and well paid for my music: a goat for an evening a sheep for a day a cow for an entire weekend. When Cappie wanted to tag along on my out-of-town performances I discouraged her. Being seen with her embarrassed me. Her love songs and attempts at being wanton stirred nothing in me but pity--the pity you feel for a crippled old dog that still tries to catch rabbits.


I will hold your hand through fall.
Though the sun damps down its slows
Our love will fill us.
Our love will fill us.

The song ended. I wanted to scream back "Stop lying to yourself!" . . . but of course I didn't. It would only bring Cappie thrashing through the marsh to ask what I meant or to demand that we talk about our future before it was too late. That was the last thing I wanted. Every talk about our future forced me to invent new ways to dodge her questions.

On top of that, we were both on Commitment Eve vigils and forbidden to see another human being till dawn. Cappie might ignore the law if it didn't suit her but I wanted to do things right. I had to avoid confrontation and that meant playing up to Cappie for one more evening.

She would be sweat-trickling now in the darkness waiting for me to answer her song. I had no stomach for singing back to her but I could always play my violin. Its sound would carry clearly to her and I wouldn't have to worry about her hearing the lack of enthusiasm in my voice. A simple tune would do: "Stars in the Honest Black" came to mind a song that felt dreamy and romantic but never actually mentioned the word "love." Besides it was appropriate--the stars were out in abundance smeared across the summer sky like gems in Mistress Night's hand. I lifted my bow above the strings inhaled before the downsweep and...

. . . heard another violin begin to play somewhere deeper in the marsh.

I was so startled I dropped my bow. It bounced against he strings with a soft twang and fell to the dirt at my feet. I snatched it up again quickly as if someone might steal it.

The player out in the marsh was good.

A stranger.

The violin is a Southern instrument. I inherited mine from my lamented mother who inherited it from her father and so on back seven generations. No one else on he peninsula owned one let alone played with any skill. I assumed this new player was some out-or-place Southerner a traveling performer who'd wandered of the road and camped in the marsh for the night. But the tune was native to Tober Cove itself an unfaithful lover's ballad called "Don't Make Me Choose.''

I cursed loud enough to send nearby frogs plopping hastily into the water. There was no telling how an outsider had learned that song but no tune on earth could bring Cappie running more quickly. She would run straight to me not the unknown Southerner--she knew where I was keeping vigil and she would never guess there was a second violinist out in the night. I had to get away before she arrived. As a matter of fact I had to find the Southerner as evidence I wasn't the one playing he song.

For a moment I debated whether to take my violin with me. I didn't want to leave it on its own but if I slipped on mud while slinking through the midnight marsh I might tumble into some scum-covered pool instrument and all. Hurriedly I put the violin away and slid the case into the hollow of the log where I'd been sitting.

Instead of the violin I look my spear. Tober Cove already had all the violinists it needed and I intended to make sure this Southerner got the message. . .

Commitment Hour
by by James Alan Gardner

  • Mass Market Paperback: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Eos
  • ISBN-10: 0380798271
  • ISBN-13: 9780380798278