Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat, And Obsession

1. Julie Powell takes us deep inside the intricacies of working in a butcher shop. What did you fi nd particularly fascinating --- or off-putting --- about the details she relates?
2. Did reading Cleaving make you more inclined to visit a local butcher shop? Have you ever felt the same draw toward butchers that Julie feels?
3. Conscientious eating has been much in the news recently and is an increasingly prevalent part of our culture. How do the practices at Fleisher’s measure up for you in this debate? What do you consider “eating well”?
4. Julie Powell witnesses a pig being slaughtered at a pig farm. What did you make of this scene in Cleaving? Would you be able to watch such a thing? Or partake?
5. In Cleaving we learn more about Julie’s relationship with her husband, Eric, than was revealed in Julie and Julia. Why do you think Julie and Eric stay together, even after the trouble starts?
6. Imagine yourself in Julie’s circumstances, faced with the return of a past lover. In what ways would you have reacted similarly --- or differently --- to the situation?
7. What do you make of Julie’s decision to sequester herself in the Catskills and apprentice herself to a team of butchers? Have you ever plunged yourself into an obsessive project to make a change in your life? Did it work? Does it ever work?
8. What did you make of the crew at Fleisher’s? Do you think it might be true that butchers are a different breed?
9. What was your response to Julie’s affair with D? Was it understandable? Reprehensible? Were you sympathetic?
10. At a certain point Julie reveals that Eric is also seeing someone on the side. Did you consider this “only fair”? Did it cast Julie’s own indiscretions in a different light?
11. What did you think about Julie’s around-the-world journey to visit butchers? Where in the world would you want or be willing to go to experience food?
12. Do you think Julie Powell’s travels abroad changed her? How?
13. What do you make of the memoir’s title, Cleaving?
Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat, And Obsession
- Publication Date: November 17, 2010
- Genres: Nonfiction
- Paperback: 336 pages
- Publisher: Back Bay Books
- ISBN-10: 0316003379
- ISBN-13: 9780316003377