Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Brave New World Revisited

1. Huxley wrote Brave New World Revisited at the height of the Cold War. Can any of his predictions now be dismissed in light of the fall of the Soviet Union?
2. Do you think that Huxley's concerns about dictatorship by drugs has become even more possible in the age of Prozac and other psychological medications?
3. When Huxley wrote these articles, DDT still was considered a scientific advance. What other aspects of Huxley's articles now, seem dated? Which of his predictions have become even more timely?
4. Huxley writes of economic censorship, with the press controlled by the Big Business/Big Government elite. Has this censorship been diluted by the rise of the Internet? Alternatively, in what ways could the Internet pose new threats to our freedoms?
5. The birth control pill was not available when Huxley wrote Brave New World Revisited. Has its dissemination helped solve any of the problems that he predicted?
6. Should legislation be enacted that curtails the rights of government, advertisers, or religious organizations to manipulate the mind of individuals?
Brave New World Revisited
- Publication Date: March 1, 2000
- Paperback: 144 pages
- Publisher: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
- ISBN-10: 0060955511
- ISBN-13: 9780060955519