Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Blues in the Night

1. How did you respond to Molly overall, and, more specifically, in her role as (a)reporter/writer, (b)family member, and (c) romantic partner?
2. Did you find Molly's concerns about trusting Zack credible?
3. Did you enjoy Molly's observations on writing?
4. What were your initial feelings for Robby? Do you think he truly grieved for his son even though he was responsible for his death?
5. Did you feel at all sorry for Betty Rowan? Why? Does her background explain her behavior toward Lenore?
6. Did you find that there were enough suspects and that the suspects were all credible in terms of motive and opportunity?
7. Did you initially think that Lenore had killed herself -- either intentionally or accidentally? (I wasn't certain for a while myself.)
8. Were you surprised by the identity of the killer? Most readers have told me that they were surprised. One told me that she figured it out early, but the truth is, I wasn't sure myself until I was on the last fourth of the book. For a long time I thought it was Nina -- trying to protect Dr. Korwin, enraged because she believed that Lenore had betrayed him and was going to ruin his reputation, etc.
9. If you *were* surprised, who did you think killed Betty Rowan? Why?
10. How did you feel about Lenore after you finished reading the book? Could you understand why she lied to protect Robby?
11. Before reading the book, did you know much about postpartum illness? Did you have an opinion about Andrea Yates and her fate? Did your opinion change after reading the book? Do you think women who kill their children during a psychotic episode should be institutionalized or imprisoned? (Note: Andrea Yates has been granted a new trial because the testimony of one of the prosecution witnesses was found to be inaccurate.)
12. Do you think there are a significant number of women who suffer from PPD and (a)don't know it or (b)are ashamed to admit it? Is the illness addressed enough in your community?
13. What were your feelings about Lenore when Molly hears disquieting information that casts Lenore as a manipulator? Did you believe the information? Question it?
14. At the end of the book Molly reflects: "It's amazing how much we think we know, how little we actually do, how ready we are to jump to conclusions. I had done it, too."
Do we all do that? Do we judge people wrongly on bits of information? Is this one of the pitfalls of gossip -- "lashon hara"?
Blues in the Night
- Publication Date: September 30, 2003
- Mass Market Paperback: 352 pages
- Publisher: Fawcett
- ISBN-10: 044900726X
- ISBN-13: 9780449007266