Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Bake Until Golden: The Potluck Catering Club, Book 4

1. For those of you who have read the previous books in the Potluck Catering Club Series, how do you feel about the characters at the series concludes? Who have you related to the most and why?
2. Was Donna right to be suspicious of Evie? Why or why not?
3. Do you think Donna made the right romantic choice? What are your arguments, pro and con?
4. Bake Until Golden has several twists and turns. Which captured your imagination the most and why?
5. Which of the recipes in the book or series did you try or want to try? Compare notes.
6. Bake Until Golden chronicles two major deaths. Describe how the deaths affected the plot and how they affected your feelings toward Donna and Goldie.
7. What did you think about Goldie's reaction to the discovery of Jack's son?
8. What was the scariest moment in the book for you? Talk about what happened in that scene.
9. Little did Lisa Leann know she was about to parent her new grandbaby for a couple of weeks. What struck you about Lisa Leann's reaction on how to care for her grandchild compared to that of her daughter's?
10. What are your thoughts regarding the final revelation concerning the treasure? What's constitutes a treasure that lasts?