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May 18, 2010

Authors Revisited

Posted by Dana

raven_125.jpgDoes your book club read the same author more than once?  In other words, let's say you loved Garth Stein's THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN.  When you see that he has a new release, in this case RAVEN STOLE THE MOON, (which is a re-release but stay with me)... does your group automatically read it?  Or do you steer clear?

If you do read the same author twice, do you feel the need to wait a certain number of months in between reads?  And do you end up comparing the two books against each other?

I know before I ever got involved with book clubs I was kind of a serial monogamist when it came to books.  I would find a new author that I liked and read everything they had written...starting from the beginning and working my way up to present.  And then when I was done, I'd move on to another author.  If the author in question was still alive and still writing, I would loyally go back to them when they had a new release.

But it seems like for book clubs, unless you're specifically doing a Jane Austen book club or something like that, it's easier to jump from author to author and genre to genre leaving at least enough time between repeats to keep it fresh.

Would love to hear how your group handles this.  Any dissent in the group on the topic?  Does it depend on who the author is or how much you all liked the first one? 

-- Dana Barrett, Contributing Editor