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December 2, 2010

Are Kindles Making Reading Cool?

Posted by Dana
Have you noticed that e-Readers are EVERYWHERE you look this season?  On TV commercials and in bookstores, of course, but also at gadget stores and home stores and well, really...
December 1, 2010

Top 5 December Books

Posted by Dana
Can you believe it is already December?  Is it me or do the months and years just fly by?  I'm already seeing Christmas decorations decking the halls and starting to hear holiday tunes in stores all over town.  'Tis the season.  And in honor of December I thought I'd find you some interesting reads with December in the title:
November 30, 2010

2 Pick Tuesday: Classic Cyber Reading

Posted by Dana
I felt like doing something alliterative today and "Two" and "Tuesday" just seemed to go together.  It's the second day of the week (if you start with Monday that is) and I just felt like giving you two good books to consider for your book club.  And of course since yesterday was Cyber Monday, and apparently, according to Amazon, it is now Cyber Week, I thought I would go with a high tech, robotic type theme.  So without further ado...
November 29, 2010

Happy Cyber Monday - Great Deals on Books!

Posted by Dana
What will they think of next?  First there was just plain 'ole Christmas shopping and the obvious after Christmas sales.  Then came Black Friday (which still doesn't sound right to me -- it's either depressing and goth sounding, or it's a clear message that I am helping big business  make money), and now we have Cyber Monday. 
Riddle me this Batman:  What happened in Austin that included Frank Miller, Bonnie Brzozowski and the caped crusader?  A book club discussion, Fellow Citizens of the World.  One that will give you the key to world domination.     
November 23, 2010

Forget Black Friday - Shop Small Business Saturday!

Posted by Dana
Shopping season is starting off with a frenzy this year.  The sales are starting earlier and the discounts are getting deeper.  But here's a "novel" idea for this year's shopping from Regular Contributor Jamie Layton, manager of Duck's Cottage Coffeeshop and Bookstore.
November 22, 2010

Ditch Secret Santa & Try a Book Swap Instead

Posted by Dana
I was out this weekend with a friend of mine, doing some pre-pre-Holiday shopping and she mentioned that her book club does a Secret Santa type gift swap each year.  They set a price limit and the gifts have to be either book or wine related.  
November 19, 2010

There's no accounting for taste...

Posted by Dana
One of the women in my book club forwarded the following quote around, saying it was a great quote for any book club: "In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others." --Andre Maurois, French author (1885 - 1967)
November 18, 2010

Call to Action for Book Lovers!

Posted by Dana
When Regular Contributor Denise Neary feels passionate about something there's no stopping her!  So I'm going to get out of her way here and let you read firsthand what Denise has to say about picture books! READING GROUPS UNITE:  help save the picture book!
November 17, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

Posted by Dana
So I was sitting around today just thinking about how my book club combines a few of my favorite things:  books... of course, talking...