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Lara Prescott


Lara Prescott

Lara Prescott received her MFA from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas, Austin. She was previously an animal protection advocate and a political campaign operative. Her stories have appeared in The Southern Review, The Hudson Review, Crazyhorse, Day One and Tin House Flash Fridays. She won the 2016 Crazyhorse Fiction Prize for the first chapter of THE SECRETS WE KEPT. She lives in Austin, Texas.

Lara Prescott

Books by Lara Prescott

by Lara Prescott - Fiction, Historical Fiction, Historical Thriller, Suspense, Thriller

THE SECRETS WE KEPT combines a legendary literary love story --- the decades-long affair between Boris Pasternak and his mistress and muse, Olga Ivinskaya, who inspired DOCTOR ZHIVAGO’s heroine, Lara --- with a narrative about two women empowered to lead lives of extraordinary intrigue and risk.