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Helen Fielding


Helen Fielding

Helen Fielding is the author of BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY, BRIDGET JONES: THE EDGE OF REASON and BRIDGET JONES: MAD ABOUT THE BOY, and was part of the screenwriting team on the associated movies. BRIDGET JONES'S BABY: The Diaries is her sixth novel. She has two children and lives in London and Los Angeles.

Helen Fielding

Books by Helen Fielding

by Helen Fielding - Humor

Bridget Jones's Diary is the devastatingly self-aware, laugh-out-loud account of a year in the life of a thirty-something Singleton on a permanent doomed quest for self-improvement. Caught between the joys of Singleton fun, and the fear of dying alone and being found three weeks later half eaten by an Alsatian; tortured by Smug Married friends asking, "How's your love life" with lascivious, yet patronizing leers, Bridget resolves to reduce the circumference of each thigh by 1.5 inches, visit the gym three times a week not just to buy a sandwich, form a functional relationship with a responsible adult and learn to program the VCR. With a blend of flighty charm, existential gloom, and endearing self-deprecation, the diary has touched a raw nerve with millions of readers the world round. Read it, laugh and crash your head onto the table before you cry, "Bridget Jones is me!"