Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions

1. What is your first impression of Leslie? Did your opinion change throughout the course of the novel?
2. Discuss the variety of characters from all walks of life in the story. Why do you think the author introduced so many different personalities?
3. Describe and discuss Leslie and Bob’s relationship. Also, Liz and Carl.
4. Do you think the plot of the story is something that could likely happen in real life?
5. As the story unfolds, Leslie and Liz both begin to show considerable doubt about their runaway escapade. Why?
6. If you as a reader have never owned a motor home or been in one, do the author’s writings adequately paint a visual picture of what traveling in one would be like? Did you learn something about the RV world?
7. While reading, did you fantasize about a runaway motor home adventure? Given the chance, do you think you could do it?
8. What is the most important life lesson learned by Leslie and Liz on this trip?
9. Discuss the self discovery process experienced by not only Leslie and Liz, but the other characters as well.
10. The novel has a surprise ending. Discuss what happens in the final chapters and what the ending means to all the characters. In your opinion, would you have ended the story differently?
- Publication Date: May 23, 2008
- Paperback: 314 pages
- Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
- ISBN-10: 1419696777
- ISBN-13: 9781419696770