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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

The Puzzle Box

1. How does Mike Brink’s unique ability with puzzles influence his character and decisions? What are some key moments that highlight his growth?

2. How does the author build suspense and intrigue throughout the story? What techniques does she use to keep readers engaged?

3. What did you think about the setting? What knowledge of Japan did you have before reading, and how did the book challenge or support it?

4. What did you think of Ume and Sakura? How did their relationship evolve throughout the story? What impact does it have on the narrative?

5. The novel weaves in elements of history and culture. How do these aspects enhance the story? Are there specific historical or cultural references that you found particularly interesting or relevant?

6. What are the main conflicts in the novel, and how are they resolved? Were there any resolutions that surprised you or felt particularly satisfying?

7. How do themes of female leadership, expertise and power play out in the story? How do these themes affect the female characters and their actions?

8. How do puzzles and games function within the narrative? Are they merely plot devices, or do they hold deeper significance for the characters and themes?

9. What were some of your favorite moments or scenes in the book? Why did they stand out to you?

10. Are there any recurring symbols or motifs in the novel? How do they contribute to the overall themes and messages of the story?

11. Based on the novel’s ending, what do you think might happen next for the characters? Are there any unresolved questions or potential future developments you would like to see explored?

The Puzzle Box
by Danielle Trussoni