Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Dawn of a Dream: At Home in Beldon Grove, Book 3

1. Early in the story, Luellen makes a decision to pursue a dream she’d discarded. Do you think she did the wise thing? What would you have done in her situation?
2. From what you learn of Brendan O’Connell, do you think he’s someone you’d be attracted to? How do you suppose he won Luellen’s heart? Would they have been happy together had their marriage endured?
3. In the two previous books in the At Home in Beldon Grove series, Luellen’s mother Molly has been a decisive character. Why do you think she hesitates now when Luellen presents her plans? Do you think you may have reacted similarly if Luellen were your daughter?
4. In The Dawn of a Dream, we see that Dr. Karl Spengler has become a father to Luellen, replacing her biological father, who died when she was three. Is there someone in your life who has loved and guided you, even though you weren’t related by blood?
5. As an adult, Franklin McGarvie, Luellen’s brother, serves as a scout for the Army. How much do you think his boyhood experiences influenced his career choice? Did you enjoy learning more about this character? Why do you think Luellen has a closer relationship with Franklin than she does with her other siblings?
6. Franklin brings Lt. Ward Calder home with him for a family celebration. What did you think of Ward’s actions toward Luellen during this difficult time in her life? Did you enjoy getting to know him better as the story progressed?
7. Uncle Arthur Newberry has a small role in THE DAWN OF A DREAM. He’s a widower with a circle of friends in Beldon Grove. How do you feel this character added depth to the story? Do you have beloved older friends or relatives who are part of your childhood memories? Share something about them.
8. Luellen meets Belle Brownlee soon after they both arrive in Allenwood. On the surface, Belle and Luellen are opposites, yet they become close friends. Which qualities in their personalities make the other a better person? Which of Belle’s qualities most attracted you?
9. Dr. Alexander, the registrar at Allenwood Normal School, seems to bend the rules to help Luellen. What is it about her situation that especially appeals to him? Is there someone you know who has received special help in reaching a goal? Has this ever happened to you?
10. Luellen makes a difficult choice when she learns she’s pregnant. In going ahead with her education, she encounters unforeseen opposition as well as support. In the story, which character’s reaction surprised you the most? Why?
11. Were you as taken aback as Luellen was when she met Leah Holcomb? What did you think of Luellen’s reaction? In Leah’s place, how would you have felt about Luellen’s initial comments? Would you have been hurt? Resigned? Bitter? Did you enjoy Leah’s contribution to the story? What do you believe eventually happened to Leah?
12. Luellen struggles through many obstacles to reach her dream. Do you have a goal you’d like to pursue? Does her story inspire you to press forward in spite of unfavorable circumstances? What might your life be like if you reached that goal?