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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions


1. Deborah Anne had dreamed of a singing career all of her life. How did she evidence a sense of calling in her dream? A God-given dream does not mean there is no human preparation involved. Think about a dream that God has placed in your heart. How are you preparing yourself for that dream to become a reality. Read Genesis 37:6-7 and Proverbs 16:3.

2. When Triage first approached Deborah Anne about singing backup for Lavelle, should she have considered it further? Did it seem that she automatically assumed that the opportunity was from the Lord? Have you ever had an experience that made you feel as though you mistook Satan answering your prayer before the Lord had a chance to get around to it? Read Matthew 4:1-10.

3. Imagine how difficult it must have been for Elijah to withhold his reservations about the direction in which Deborah Anne's career seemed to be headed. Did he do the right thing by not vocalizing his objections? Read Prov. 17:27 and Eccl. 3:1,7.

4. Deborah Anne's relationship with Triage began as a friendship that only later blossomed into romance. What qualities and behaviors did Triage exhibit to demonstrate his readiness to be a husband? Read Ruth 2:1˜3:11.

5. How does the way that Deborah Anne entered into a career as a professional singer demonstrate that God's plans for us are not necessarily the plans that we have made for ourselves or that others have made for us? Read Genesis 45:1-8;50:20 and Isaiah 55:8-9.

6. How did Deborah Anne demonstrate her willingness to go wherever God was leading her? How did her behavior with the group show that she sought to find the Lord at every turn of her career? Read Genesis 12:1-3; 13:5-11;22:1-3 and Hebrews 11:6,8,17-19.

7. Beyond her relationship with her parents, what incidents in Deborah Anne's life demonstrate that she comes from a loving support system of family and friends? Recall some of the other persons in her life and how they showed support and concern for her. Read Ruth 1:16-18; 3:1 and Luke 1:39-43 and 2 Timothy 1:5 How did her solid support system help her through the demands of a professional singing career?

8. Deborah Anne's dream became real for her as she sat in the studio for her first day of rehearsal. She acknowledged her dream and promptly thanked God for it. When the Lord fulfills the desires of our hearts, how should we respond? Read Genesis 12:7; Exodus 15:19-32; Luke 1:67-79.

9. Deborah Anne had longed to be a professional singer, but the physical and mental demands began to wear on her. Still, she did not give up. Have you ever been tempted to believe that a dream was not divinely inspired simply because the going got a little rough? Read 2 Kings 4:13-28 and Exodus 5:22. What should we do when the road to achieving our dreams gets a little bumpy? Read Habakkuk 3:17-18.

10. Consider the cycle that moves us away from the Lord: (1) We may get too busy to pray; (2) Bible study tapers off; (3) church attendance declines; (4) we begin to accept certain worldly ways into our lifestyle. Read Luke 11-14. What steps/actions did Deborah Anne incorporate into her lifestyle once she moved to Los Angeles to insure that she maintained her relationship with the Lord? Read Genesis 8:18-20; 33:18-20; Exodus 23:33; Joshua 22:5; and Psalm 119:165.

11. What was a major sign that Deborah Anne would be working with people who did not share her beliefs and values? Read Joshua 24:15. How do you cope with situations that require you to work with unchurched or unsaved persons? Read Psalm 40:8; 119:29.

12. In what ways was Deborah able to impact the persons she encountered in pursuit of a singing career? Read Acts 5:15 Consider Triage, Vianca, Emerald, Lavelle, Phoebe.

13. What do you believe sparked Deborah Anne's interest in having a friend like Phoebe? What does the friendship of these opposites indicate about friendships between godly persons and worldly persons? Read Luke 7:36-48; 19:5-10.

14. What does Deborah Anne's influence on those persons reveal about the power of being a living testimony for the Lord? Read Mark 1:44 and John 4:28-29.

15. If Deborah Anne had accepted the condominium from Triage, do you believe she might have been tempted to have sex with him out of gratitude? How do you think her response to Triage's offer affected him? Read Ruth 3:11 and Proverbs 31:10-11.

16. Deborah Anne was willing to hold out for the kind of solo career she believed God wanted her to have. Read Genesis 32:24-30. What does her decision, as well as her actions in the days following, reveal about how believers should deal with a calling from the Lord? Read Proverbs 16:3-4.

by Jacquelin Thomas

  • Publication Date: April 23, 2001
  • Hardcover: 368 pages
  • Publisher: Walk Worthy Press
  • ISBN-10: 044652798X
  • ISBN-13: 9780446527989