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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

Of One Mind

1. Rene rejected Rob’s demand that an active church life be a priority when raising their children. How did you feel when she made that choice? Have differing views of religion and spirituality affected any of your relationships?

2. Rene had a difficult experience when she and Aisha tried the Witness. What would it be like to know exactly what someone else is experiencing? What would be the pros and cons of allowing someone else to know what you were thinking and feeling?

3. How did Kristen’s experiences with the deaths of her grandmother and best friend shape her view of end-of-life issues? What experiences have you had that shape your perspective on death?

4. What did you think about Kristen’s rejection of the Witness experience for Kyle? Was she making a reasonable choice, or was she letting her fears get the best of her?

5. Dr. Stauss was a talented neurosurgeon who saved Kyle’s life after a horrific accident. He was also a highly ambitious and arrogant researcher. How would you react if he were caring for someone you love?

6. Owen was Kyle’s surrogate father, at Kristen’s request. Was he overinvested in Kristen’s decisions? Did he have the right to override Kristen’s opposition to using the Witness with Kyle?

7. Rene and Owen each chose to take significant risks to honor Kyle’s autonomy and give him the opportunity to make his own life-or-death choice. How did their experiences with the Witness lead them to take those risks? Have you ever been faced with taking a big risk for someone else’s well-being?

8. Many people with disabilities report feeling discounted or undervalued. Have you or someone you know ever had that experience?

9. Kyle chose to die. Were you surprised? How did you feel about his decision? What might you have decided if you were in his position?

10. Rene predicted that she would face a culture war in the future as word of her discovery became public. Why did she think that? Do you agree?

11. What would be the implications for our society if the Witness technology was real? In what ways might the Witness be used in education, therapy, law enforcement or other arenas? What would change, and would those changes be for the better?

12. Compare the concept of a universal consciousness as an inherent part of reality with the concept of a personal god. What thoughts and feelings come up for you?

Of One Mind
by JB Maerten

  • Publication Date: June 19, 2024
  • Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction
  • Paperback: 359 pages
  • Publisher: Serious Wonder Press
  • ISBN-10: 1145569266
  • ISBN-13: 9798989841400