Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Loving Cee Cee Johnson
Prologue Cee Cee’s father destroys something that she treasured. Has someone ever done that to you? How did you react?
Chapter 1 Cee Cee is an intelligent professional woman. Why do you think Cee Cee is running from her health problem?
Chapter 2 Why does Cee Cee get really uptight about John Carter’s involvement with her family?
Chapter 3 Cee Cee was more than a little nervous when she thought she was on a date with Bob, her white cameraman. Have you ever been on a date with someone of another race? How do you feel when you see a biracial couple in public?
Chapter 4 Cee Cee has lied about her hometown. Now she’s got to face the consequences of having let the lie live on for so long.
Chapter 5 Bob helps Cee Cee prepare for the challenges before her. Who has helped you through the tough times in your life?
Chapter 6 When Cee Cee discovers the connection between her black activist father and former staunch racist, Abraham Benson, she’s floored. What are your thoughts about that relationship?
Chapter 7 Cee Cee is impressed with Isaac Hunt. In her words, she “would have called him a black man on a dark night.” What do you think she means by that?
Chapter 8 The family secrets that are revealed during Cee Cee’s interview with Abraham Benson are disturbing. What should she do with what she now knows?
Chapter 9 Cee Cee tells Abraham she hates him. Is Abraham’s reaction believable? Why? Why not?
Chapter 10 Isaac talks about the price of justice in reference to doing the right thing even at great personal loss. What does he mean by that?
Chapter 11 Cee Cee and John Carter’s first meeting is less than ideal. How did her description of his eyes strike you?
Chapter 12 John Carter saves Cee Cee’s life. Why does that upset her so?
Chapter 13 Catty and Cee Cee talk about racially-motivated hate. Is Catty’s way of thinking childish or right on target?
Chapter 14 Cee Cee’s confession to Isaac frees her. Abraham’s confession to her does not. Why not?
Chapter 15 John Carter corners Cee Cee with a question that she doesn’t want to answer. What’s disturbing her most about this handsome white man?
Chapter 16 John Carter pursues Cee Cee further by expressing feelings for her. She thinks he’s gone too far. What do you think?
Chapter 17 Cee Cee is determined to make Abraham pay for his abuse of power by finding evidence of his misdeeds. Will her efforts pay off? Why? Why not?
Chapter 18 How could Cee Cee have handled things differently when she goes to Benson Ridge Farms the night of the fire?
Chapter 19 The truth about her brother and her feelings for John Carter slap Cee Cee in the face. It’s almost more than she can take. What should she do?
Chapter 20 What do you think of Isaac’s theory of the hate-filled heart?
Chapter 21 During her ride with Special Agent Buxton back to Pettigrew, Cee Cee seeks validation. Why is his approval important to her?
Chapter 22 Cee Cee’s reunion with her brother and sister was less than ideal. What did she want most for her brother?
Chapter 23 Cee Cee’s sister Tabby thinks Abraham Benson is innocent. What do you think?
Chapter 24 What challenges did Cee Cee face after seeing her father in another light?
Chapter 25 How has Cee Cee’s life been impacted by the conversion her father, Quincy Johnson, Sr., experienced?
Chapter 26 How do you think Cee Cee felt at John Carter’s surprise appearance?
Chapter 27 For a brief moment, Cee Cee felt hatred for Special Agent “Skelly.” How did she end those feelings?
Chapter 28 The Lord leads Cee Cee to study Proverbs 3. Read the entire chapter out loud. Do you come to the same conclusions that Cee Cee does? Or different ones?
Chapter 29 Cee Cee’s attraction to John Carter is growing. What is her biggest struggle with their relationship? Does their relationship bother you? Explain.
Chapter 30 How does Cee Cee’s fire-blackened Jesus statue help her see the light?
Chapter 31 How does John Carter helps Cee Cee focus and stay on track?
Chapter 32 Cee Cee is worried that John Carter will one day leave her for ‘his own kind.’ What other fears do you think she has?
Chapter 33 During her interview with Abraham, Cee Cee focuses on three words. What were they? Why are they important to her? How are they important to Abraham? To her brother?
Epilogue What attracted John Carter to Cee Cee? Is that enough to base a love relationship on? How does what he share affect Cee Cee?