Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Invisible Circus

1. Do the 60s have enduring symbolism for America? How do we understand and misunderstand this era in our history?
2. Are you able to characterize your generation? What traits would you ascribe to it?
3. Describe the moment in which Phoebe first understands her sister's suicide. What finally allows her to see the truth?
4. Talk about the most important rite of passage you experienced. Compare the feelings and beliefs you held before with those you held after.
5. When Phoebe meets Wolf -- the man who accompanied Faith in Europe -- how does her journey change? What does Wolf show Phoebe about herself?
6. The Invisible Circus traces a younger sister's search for her older sister. In what ways might the novel differ if the author had chosen to make the characters brothers?
7. Does the title of the book deepen your understanding of the plot? How does the circus in chapter one reflect Phoebe's experience?
8. What role do images -- paintings, photographs, postcards, and so on play in the novel? Is there a religious dimension to some of them?
Invisible Circus
- Publication Date: January 15, 1996
- Paperback: 352 pages
- Publisher: Picador
- ISBN-10: 0312140908
- ISBN-13: 9780312140908