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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life

1. Why do you think Regina chose the words “God Never Blinks” as the title of the book? When did she think God blinked in her life? When in your life did it feel like God blinked?

2. In Lesson 13, Regina writes that we all have a spiritual assignment and quotes author and minister Frederick Buechner who said this about vocation: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Is there such a place? Where is that place for you? What is your vocation?

3. How do you think having cancer deepened or diminished Regina’s faith? How has dealing with a difficulty or disease deepened or diminished your faith? What elements of your faith journey did you see reflected in the book?

4. Regina addresses envy in Lesson 44: “Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.” How does envy interfere with being happy? When have you struggled with envy? How did you let go of it?

5. Regina learned various lessons from priests and monks at retreat houses and monasteries. Why do you think she ventured to those places so often? Do those people have something different to offer us when it comes to understanding God? Who are the spiritual guides in your life?

6. Do you consider Regina to be a religious person or a spiritual person? Is there a difference? What do you consider yourself to be?

7. Discuss the concept of forgiveness. It comes up in Lesson 3 (“Life is too short to waste time hating anyone”) and in Lesson 28 (“Forgive everyone, everything”). Are there people who are outside the bounds of forgiveness? Should we forgive everyone everything? What do you want to be forgiven for?

8. Is it ever okay to get angry with God? What does she mean by that? Have you ever been mad at God?

9. Regina finds great solace in the Psalms. Which Psalms speak to her the most? Which ones speak to you?

10. Lesson 33 states: “Believe in miracles.” Lesson 39 says: “Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting for you to discover.” What events does Regina consider to be miracles? Do you believe in miracles in your own life? Share what you believe to be a miracle in your life.

11. In Lesson 31, Regina quotes pastor Rick Warren, who said life is a series of problems; we’re either in one, coming out of one, or ready to go into another one. Do you believe that? He also said God is more interested in our character than our comfort. Do you agree?

12. A priest named Joe Zubricky once told Regina that at the end of it all, God asks just one question: “Did you love?” How would you answer that question right now?

God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life
by Regina Brett

  • Publication Date: April 13, 2010
  • Hardcover: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
  • ISBN-10: 0446556521
  • ISBN-13: 9780446556521