Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Forget Me Not
1. “Even when we forget who we are, at core level, we remember whose we are.” That belief prompted author Vicki Hinze to write Forget Me Not. What core-level memory do you feel you could never forget? Why? Do you think bad memories are more easily recalled than good ones?
2. Do you believe forgiving means forgetting? The Bible states that repetance washes away our sins and that God no longer remembers them. Are human beings capable of that kind of forgiveness without God’s help? Have you struggled with not ebing able to forget what you thought you had forgiven? Are there times when not forgetting is constructive?
3. Would it be a blessing to be able to forget parts of your past? Or do you believe it takes all of those parts --- good and bad --- to be the person you have become? Why? If you could wipe your memory clean and start over, how would you construct your life differently?
4. Do specific names evoke a specific emotion in you? If you could choose your name, what would it be? Why would you choose it?
5. The heroine in Forget Me Not is a woman of serene faith. It gives her certainty and calm in horrific circumstances. What has brought you calm and certainty in troubled times?
6. Much has been written about the power of prayer. What, to you, is the greatest benefit of individual prayer? Is a group united in prayer for a specific purpose more or less powerful than individual prayer?
7. Kelly is warned that “some people are the opposite of what they appear to be.” Have you found this to be true? What about people of great wealth, like Gregory, who endowed inspiring works of art, gave prestigious scholarships, and benfitted charities?
8. We all have challenges and bear burdens. Mathew 11:28 inspired the entire Crossroads Crisis Center series of books. In times of trouble and burdens, has your relationship with God given you rest? Has that aided you in coping with your challenges? Resolving your conflicts? Easing your burdens?
9. Ben and Kelly are wealthy people. Is it harder, do you think, to be a rich or a poor Christian? What makes it harder or easier? Do material possessions impact a person’s inner life at all?
10. Repeatedly, Kelly hears God’s instruction: Be patient with him. She listens and tries, but it isn’t always easy. Is being patient difficult for you? What experiences have led you to trust in God’s perfect timing?
11. Ben had a loving, content marriage. As a widower, he had challgenes starting over in a new romance. If you suffered such a loss, what would encourage you to try again? What would discourage you?
12. Kelly was orphaned, abused and mistreated. Often in abuse cases, those abused become abusers. Yet she did not. Neither did she grow bitter or engage in destructive self-pity. Instead, she made God her escape plan from the abuse and learned to pray. She relied on Him, and as an dult she commits to helping others stay safe. That is this story’s tie to Matthew 11:28. Did her reliance on God, trust in Him, break the cycle so often present in abuse cases?
13. Have you experienced situations like Kelly’s where you felt the hand of God at work in your life? If so, please explain.