Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Evening Stars: A Blackberry Island Novel

1. Why did Nina stay on Blackberry Island so long? Why did she put everyone else’s needs ahead of her own? Do you know any women like that?
2. If you have a sister, how is your relationship similar to Nina and Averil’s relationship? How is it different? In general, do you think brothers’ relationships are as emotionally complex as sisters’ relationships are?
3. One of the themes of EVENING STARS clearly related to taking responsibility for one’s own life. How were different facets of responsibility explored through the characters of Nina, Averil and Bonnie? Is it possible to be too responsible? Where do you fall on the responsibility spectrum?
4. What other themes did you think about as you read EVENING STARS?
5. Were you on Team Dylan or Team Kyle? Why? Did your allegiance change as you progressed through the book? Were you satisfied with the choice Nina made?
6. What did you think of Averil’s relationship with her husband, Kevin?
7. Early in the book, when Dylan drives Nina home, she sees the house through his eyes. How did her feelings about her home reflect her feelings about how her life had turned out? How would you feel if your first love visited your house?
8. Do you think Bonnie will change? Why or why not?
9. What caused Averil and Nina to begin to see each other differently? What caused them each to see themselves differently, and to take positive steps in their lives?
10. Explore a metaphor from EVENING STARS.
Evening Stars: A Blackberry Island Novel
- Publication Date: February 25, 2014
- Genres: Fiction, Women's Fiction
- Paperback: 368 pages
- Publisher: Harlequin MIRA
- ISBN-10: 0778316130
- ISBN-13: 9780778316138