Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Dear Child

1. DEAR CHILD has been compared to a mix between GONE GIRL and ROOM. Do you think the comparisons work and, if so, why?
2. “The thriller that starts where others end.” Romy Hausmann deliberately chose a slightly different structure for her thriller. Were you intrigued by this device, and how does it compare to a more traditional thriller story arc?
3. Romy was born in East Germany, the former GDR --- a world that was dominated by boundaries and a lack of freedom. DEAR CHILD clearly also deals with similar issues, even though in a very different way, of course. How do you think both worlds compare? How are the notions of imprisonment and freedom explored in the novel, and do you think they are tied to physical spaces?
4. DEAR CHILD is written from three different perspectives --- the voices of Hannah, Matthias and Lena/Jasmin. Which of the voices works most effectively for you, and which is your favorite? Do you think the author had a favorite character when writing the book and, if so, why?
5. “Most of all I wanted to create authentic characters that could really exist in reality. Discuss.
6. Romy said in an interview once that there are a lot of readers who seem to hate Matthias because he is so angry and almost blinded by his rage. Can you sympathize with the way he acts in the story?
7. Lars Rogner claims that he and Matthias Beck are not that dissimilar. Do you agree?
8. Do you think Hannah’s character changes over time?
9. Romy feels that people are mainly driven by two things in life: love and fear. Who do you think this reflects in the plot of her thriller?
10. What do you think will happen to Jasmin, Hannah and Matthias after DEAR CHILD ends? Do you think the story gives any clues about their future?
Dear Child
- Publication Date: August 24, 2021
- Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Psychological Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Thriller
- Paperback: 368 pages
- Publisher: Flatiron Books
- ISBN-10: 1250768551
- ISBN-13: 9781250768551