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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

Camp Zero

1. Early on, the reader is introduced to a full cast of characters. Why do you think the author wrote chapters from alternating points of view?

2. How would you characterize the tone of the story? How does the language contribute to the tone? What else contributes to it?

3. Compare the women of White Alice to the Blooms. Discuss their major similarities and differences.

4. CAMP ZERO is set in the near future. What is different about the world in the novel versus real life?

5. The Flick is a piece of technology embedded in humans from birth or a young age. Do you see the Flick as the evolution of a smartphone? How is it used in the story to keep socioeconomic classes divided?

6. The majority of the story takes place in northern Canada, with references to the New England area. While reading, did you find yourself imagining what life in the world of the novel might look like in southern areas of the world? Based on the information provided by the author, discuss what you think the rest of the world looks like in this version of 2049.

7. Power dynamics play a huge role throughout CAMP ZERO. The men appear to be in charge of the camp, it seems the researchers at White Alice are beholden to the government, and the Blooms answer firstly to Judith. Who ultimately has the power?

8. Discuss the many ways in which characters “reinvent” themselves in CAMP ZERO. Who succeeds, and who fails? What, in your opinion, does it mean to reinvent oneself in the context of this story? Does every character in this novel have the power/opportunity to self-invent? Which characters do, and which characters don’t? Is it a privilege or a right?

9. We see a few varying examples of motherhood and the mother/daughter relationship throughout CAMP ZERO, including those of Rose and her mother, the women of White Alice and Aurora, and eventually Judith to the Blooms. What role does motherhood play throughout the story, and why is it important to see these different dynamics?

10. Almost every character uses a pseudonym or is renamed during the story. What is the significance behind these new names? Were the reasons for these names the same for both the male and female characters?

11. CAMP ZERO features a number of sympathetic characters, including some who are complicit in harmful acts. While reading, did you find yourself drawn to any one character? Discuss your favorites and how they are portrayed.

12. Choose between the Floating City, White Alice or Camp Zero. Where would you live?

Camp Zero
by Michelle Min Sterling

  • Publication Date: February 20, 2024
  • Genres: Dystopian, Fiction, Science Fiction
  • Paperback: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Atria Books
  • ISBN-10: 1668007576
  • ISBN-13: 9781668007570