Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Breaking Free
1. What causes Maggie to agree to participate in the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Program?
2. Mr. James says that "working with horses reveals who we are. No matter how hard we try to hide it." How does the program and working with Breaking Free help Maggie? In what ways do you see it helps the inmates?
3. Why is Maggie afraid of being vulnerable? How does this help or hurt her while she is in prison?
4. How has the lack of forgiveness for her own mistakes affected Maggie's life while in prison?
5. What parallels do you see in Maggie's and Breaking Free's struggles and recovery?
6. What lessons of forgiveness and second chances does Maggie learn by taking care of and rehabilitating Freebee?
7. How does DC's bullying help Maggie learn to fight for herself?
8. Compare Carly's, DC's, Kool Kat's, and Maggie's approaches to life. Who do you find yourself identifying with most?
9. What lessons does Maggie learn about God's grace in meeting Gil and starting over?
10. How is Maggie's presence in Gil's and Eddie's life good for each of them?
11. How does Maggie's life experience challenge Gil's role as a father to Eddie?
12. How does Maggie's and Breaking Free's brokenness help each of them to heal? Can brokenness be beautiful?