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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

A Map to Paradise

1. When the women in the novel meet on Paradise Circle, all three are feeling the loss or imminent loss of their sense of belonging. Why is each woman struggling with a sense of crippling displacement? Are they on Paradise Circle by choice or circumstance?

2. Has your sense of “I’m right where I belong” ever been similarly threatened or taken from you? How did you recover it? Or how did you adapt?

3. How important is the concept of home to you? In what ways was your sense of home shaped by your life experiences?

4. June, Melanie and Eva all see themselves as victims in some way. Do you agree that they are victims? Who do you think is and who do you think isn’t, and why?

5. Do you think the women end up becoming friends because of these similarities or despite them? Do you think their friendship helps them ultimately find happiness? What would have happened to each, do you think, if they hadn’t met?

6. What did you learn about the Hollywood blacklist from Melanie’s experience? How do you think the 1950s compares to today, with social media and cancel culture?

7. Do you think Melanie made the right choice to stay close to Hollywood despite being blacklisted? What would you have done?

8. What do you think of Carson? Do you think he did enough to make up for being the reason Melanie was blacklisted?

9. Guilt can manifest itself in many ways, and Elwood had an especially hard time with it. Can you sympathize with his fear of leaving the house, or even his room? Have you ever known someone who suffered from agoraphobia?

10. Do you think Elwood was right to leave the house to Ruthie’s sons? Was June right to be upset about it?

11. How did Nicky’s arrival change Melanie? Do you think things would have been different had Alex not left him with her?

12. June covered up the death of a man she cherished, whereas Eva covered up the death of a man who was dangerous. Do you think either was more justified in her action?

13. Why do you think Eva kept her secret about Ernst even when June told her about what happened with Elwood? How do their experiences differ?

14. If you had access to a time machine like the one June imagined for herself, would you use it? If so, where in time would you want to go, and why?

A Map to Paradise
by Susan Meissner

  • Publication Date: March 18, 2025
  • Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction
  • Hardcover: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Berkley
  • ISBN-10: 0593332865
  • ISBN-13: 9780593332863