Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
A Heart Most Worthy

1. Most people in modern cultures have immigrant roots in one way or another. Where did your family come from?
2. Have you ever felt like a stranger in a strange land? What was most disorienting about the experience?
3. Do you see any similarities between American society in 1918 and modern society today?
4. This story revolves around Julietta, Annamaria, and Luciana. Which character did you most like? Why?
5. What flaws did you notice in the novel's main characters? How were these flaws overcome?
6. As the story began, what did each character want? Were those goals achieved?
7. Julietta flirted with the ideas of anarchy. What appealed to her about this philosophy? Do you see any elements of these beliefs at work in our culture today?
8. Annamaria's dreams were opposed by the expectations of her parents. Did she handle this conflict in the right way? When is it acceptable to disobey your parents?
9. Luciana found herself in a dire situation and yet she would not ask for help. Why not? What would you have done had you been in her place? If she had gone to the authorities, what do you think might have happened?
10. Each main character in this story learned the same lesson in the end. What was it?
11. Which man embodies your ideal hero: Rafaello, Mauro, or Billy?
12. Define the "American Dream." How did each woman articulate this dream? Did she achieve it? What is your American Dream? Has it changed over the years?