2014 BookExpo America Speed-Dating Event
Special Feature
2014 BookExpo America Speed-Dating Event

On Friday, May 30th, from 2:00pm to 3:50pm, representatives from more than a dozen publishers attending BookExpo America will gather at the Jacob K. Javits Center to share selections and book group news from their publishing houses in a speed-dating format designed to give book group leaders, booksellers, librarians and bloggers an inside look at what book groups will be tempted by for fall and winter. Galley giveaways and ideas for enhancing book group discussions will be part of this event. Advance signup is required by Thursday, May 22nd at noon ET, and seating will be assigned. Fill out this form to sign up.
Please note: You must be registered to attend BookExpo America in order to attend this session. If you are not, click here to register.