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October 27, 2008

Garth Stein on Racing in the Rain and Other Topics

Posted by carol
Last night while attending Book Group Expo in San Jose, California, I had the chance to interview Garth Stein, author of The Art of Racing in the Rain, for Book Club Girl on Air.
Today's guest blogger, Margaret Cezair-Thompson, shares some insights about her novel The Pirate's Daughter. Set on a small island off the coast of Jamaica, it's the story of two women --- Ida, a local girl who has an affair with swashbuckling movie star Errol Flynn, and their daughter, May, who meets her father only once.
October 22, 2008

Can Scary Reading Lead to Great Discussing?

Posted by carol
Halloween is around the corner, and if you're looking for a scary read Shannon McKenna Schmidt has a suggestion.
October 20, 2008

Same Topic, Different Books

Posted by carol
This month, Heather Johnson's book club took a different approach to their discussion --- with great success...
I had the pleasure of going to an advance screening of The Secret Life of Bees movie on Wednesday night. What a lovely, beautifully shot and well-cast film. I really enjoyed it.
October 14, 2008

Book Clubs in the News

Posted by carol
Occasionally we highlight news articles featuring book clubs across the country. This month's round-up ranges from young readers in California to a Pennsylvania reading group that has been meeting for 40 years.Contra Costa Times: The Real Breakfast of Champions --- Books!Early risers meet for the Breakfast Book Club, a discussion group started by a California elementary school "to encourage life-long readers."
October 10, 2008

The Power of Book Club Buzz

Posted by carol
Tagged: contributor Heather Johnson's latest book club selection was an unknown title --- or so she thought. Read on to find out what novel is garnering some serious book club buzz...
October 9, 2008

Baltimore Book Festival

Posted by carol
Last weekend Heather Johnson attended the Baltimore Book Festival and reports on her experiences there. To read more of Heather's commentary and to view video and pictures of the events, visit her blog, Age 30+...A Lifetime of Books.
October 8, 2008

Looking Ahead...

Posted by carol
Tagged: contributor and book club facilitator Esther Bushell shares some upcoming publications reading groups might want to keep an eye out for...
October 7, 2008

National Reading Group Month

Posted by carol
October is National Reading Group Month! At your next book club gathering, take a few minutes to talk about why you enjoy and appreciate your literary get-togethers...and one another's company. Reminisce about the books you've read. Make plans for the coming months.