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July 7, 2010

How important is bestseller-i-ness to you?

Posted by Dana
Yup, I'm at it again... making up words.  Not sure "bestselleriness" will catch on, but I think the word and it's various derivatives could be put to good use.  For example, "That book has a definite bestselleriness to it, if it's not on the list, it should be."  But stop distracting me and let me get to the point.
July 6, 2010

STILL MISSING by Chevy Stevens: A Review

Posted by Dana
In today's guest post Sonja Somerville, Liz Hughes and Robin Beerbower of the Salem Public Library in Salem, Oregon discuss Chevy Stevens' brand new book, STILL MISSING and explain why it was far more than they were expecting.
My book club met last night to discuss THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG by Muriel Barbery and the we were all basically on the same page (no pun intended).
July 1, 2010


Posted by Dana
In today's post, guest blogger and author Lee Kravitz explains why his new book, UNFINISHED BUSINESS has two reading group guides.  Check them both out and let us know which works best for you! GOING DEEPER
June 30, 2010

Christopher Nicholson: THE ELEPHANT KEEPER

Posted by Dana
In today's guest post, author Christopher Nicholson shares his love elephants.  If you loved WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (and who didn't) you'll want to read THE ELEPHANT KEEPER and get to know these incredible animals the way Christopher has.
In today's guest post, African-born poet and author Lola Shoneyin talks about her fiction debut, THE SECRET LIVES OF BABI SEGI’S WIVES.  The book is an eye-opening novel of polygamy in modern-day Nigeria and Lola shares her views here about the importance of women's friendships and how survival and distrust can deprive women of this vital support.
June 28, 2010

This book is a keeper. Or is it?

Posted by Dana
I am in the process of downsizing and am having to think long and hard about my books.  I mean after all, I'm sure you can understand, I love my books.  And I have a lot of them. I have been collecting books since college which was longer ago than I'd care to admit and I even have some from before that.  And now I'm having to evaluate my collection and try to narrow it down to the most important ones to keep.
June 25, 2010

Jamie's 2010 Beach Book List

Posted by Dana
In today's post regular contributor Jamie Layton shares her choices for the beach this year.
June 24, 2010

Do you read the Oprah picks?

Posted by Dana
I love that Oprah loves books.  It's good for books.  She can pick a book for her book club and sales will automatically go through the roof.  I think that says a lot... about her and about readers.
June 23, 2010

Book Clubs in the News

Posted by Dana
Today’s book clubs in the news post is really just a quick jaunt around the country to see whose reading what and with whom.  Enjoy! NewPages Blog:  Pen American Center launches new online reading group.