Archives - April 2010
In today's guest post, regular contributor Denise Neary shares a really cool author helping author story she came across. I hope I would be willing to go out of my way for someone like Jennifer Weiner does in this story no matter how successful I became. Not everyone would. But of course, that's what makes this story so special.I love reading Jennifer Weiner’s funny, smart, and insightful blog, A Moment of Jen and was intrigued by this comment on the site in early March:
Earlier in the week I gave a shout out to my hometown library and libraries in general in honor of National Library Week. I was trying to keep it light and fun 'cause that's how I roll.
Today's guest author is Jeffrey Stepakoff whose debut novel FIREWORKS OVER TOCCOA is quickly becoming a bestseller. I met Jeffrey last week and liked him right away. We had one of those "small world" moments when you realize you know some of the same people and have probably unknowingly crossed paths in the past. As we talked I could see that Jeffrey was a rare breed. A guy that not only talks but actually listens.
It's National Library Week! Woo hoo... So, roll out the barrels, grab your party hats and run, don't walk to your nearest library.
This month, regular contributor Heather Johnson shares her book club's discussion of THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett. Have you read it yet? Let us know what you think!
Today's guest blogger, author Jean Hanff Korelitz talks about talking. Did you know authors like to do it? Jean assures us they don't be shy about asking an author to come speak at or call into your club!
In today's guest post, Seattle writer Jennie Shortridge introduces us to the Seattle7Writers. On their website they describe themselves as "A collective of Pacific Northwest authors creating connections between writers, readers, librarians and booksellers to foster and support a passion for the written word." Now that's something we here at can get behind!Will Work for Meaningful Contribution to Society
I took Holly LeCraw's debut novel, The Swimming Pool on my last business trip and found myself glued to it whenever I had a spare moment. Then I finished it and tried to explain what it was about to a co-worker and couldn't. Not easily anyway! So when I got Holly's guest post I was glad to see she struggled to answer that question too. But she does. Read on - and then grab a copy. You won't want to be the only who hasn't read this book.
In today's guest post, the magical and marvelous author Sarah Addison Allen shares her love of food and book clubs. She even gives us a cake recipe to try. If anyone wants to make it and bring me a slice, I won't object!
The first Thursday of the month is always good for me. That's book club day. Yesterday was no exception. It was April Fool's day, which I always enjoy AND book club day to boot. Since I am in the process of piloting a public book club for my company at Whole Foods Markets around the country, I actually have to drive quite a way to get to the store where I am the leader. And yesterday traffic was for fools! It took me over an hour to get there and by the time I did I was late and flustered.