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Author News & Interviews

Interview: Sherry Lee Hoppe, author of A Matter of Conscience: Redemption of a Hometown Hero, Bobby Hoppe

Oct 5, 2010

Q: Sherry, why did you decide to write the book?

A: I wrote A Matter of Conscience because I wanted people to see who Bobby Hoppe really was…the man behind the mask. It is important to understand the kind of person he was --- a sensitive, caring, and generous man who carried a heavy burden in his heart. A man who lived with a split-second decision that burdened him without end.

Q: What is the book about?

Interview: Charlotte Greig, author of A Girl’s Guide to Modern European Philosophy

May 12, 2009

Q: Your new novel, A Girl’s Guide to Modern European Philosophy,has a unique structure: it’s an entertaining narrative effortlessly interspersed with heavy-laden philosophy lessons from the masters --- Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Kierkegaard. Was it difficult to make these complicated ideas so accessible? How did you come up with the idea?

Interview: Jane Kirkpatrick, author of A Flickering Light: Portraits of the Heart, Book 1

Apr 14, 2009

Q: Your newest novel, A Flickering Light, is based on the life of your grandmother. Tell us about the Jessie Ann Gaebele you knew growing up?   

Interview: Debbie Macomber, author of A Good Yarn

May 6, 2006

Read all about romance writer Debbie Macomber in an in-depth interview!

On Writing and Reading...

What do you love most about being a writer?
Having written. The writing process is sometimes overwhelming, but I really do love it when a project is finished, edited and ready to hit the shelves. That's a tremendous feeling.

What do you like least about being a writer?
Filling out credit applications and explaining that I'm self-employed.

On Romance...

Interview: Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life

Sep 1, 2004

Q: Tell us a little about yourself.

DP: I'm an army brat by birth. I have a degree in Broadcasting and spent 14 years on Radio and TV. I've been in the full-time ministry for 21 years. I am terminally in love with the game of baseball!

Q: What was your motivation behind this project?