Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
She’s in a Better Place: Fairlawn Series #3
1. Have you read the first two Fairlawn books, Doesn't She Look Natural? and She Always Wore Red? If so, how has Jennifer changed since the day she first heard that she'd inherited the Fairlawn Funeral Home?
2. What do you think the author intended as a theme in She's in a Better Place? Who's in a better place at the end of the story?
3. Do you have a favorite recurring character in these books? Who is it, and why do you like this character? Which character reminds you most of yourself?
4. Has reading books set in a funeral home changed your view of death or mortuaries in any way?
5. Leticia Gansky planned a fake funeral because she felt invisible and ignored. Have you ever felt this way? Have you found a “cure” for this condition?
6. If you had to write a slogan for a funeral home, what would you suggest?
7. Gerald thought of Kirsten as his prodigal daughter. Do you have a prodigal in your life? Did this story affect your feelings about that person?
8. Why do you think Kirsten rebelled in her teenage years? Could Gerald and Evelyn have prevented this?
9. What did you think of Jen's decision to hold her wedding in such an unusual setting?
10. What do you think Kirsten will do with the rest of her life?
11. Would you recommend this series to other readers? Why or why not?
12. Have you given any thought to what sort of funeral you would like? What would you request to make sure the experience was memorable? What sort of memorial message would you want shared with your guests?